
S01E05 Part01练习素材及答案:

Mixed signal:it refers to a confusing or contradictory message or signal from a person or situation, making it difficult to understand their true intentions or feelings. (来自一个人或某种状况使人困惑或矛盾的信息或信号,令人难以理解对方的真实意图或感受。)


Sarah’s tendency to blow hot and cold has always been a challenge, which left John feeling like he was reading between the lines of a novel written in another language. He was tired of the mixed signals.


The way he sends mixed signals makes it hard to know where I stand. I’m always second-guessing myself and wondering if I’m just barking up the wrong tree.


Susan’s behavior can be a real head-scratcher. One moment she’s all smiles and chummy, and the next, she’s acting distant. These mixed signals make me feel like I’m on a wild goose chase.

An item:it irefers to a romantic couple or a pair of people who are in a relationship or are frequently seen together, giving the impression that they are involved romantically. (指的是一对恋人或一对经常在一起出现的人,给人一种他们有恋爱关系的印象。)


When they started showing up to work in the morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed together, no one needed to spell it out that they were an item.


When Jack and Jill started showing up at every event joined at the hip, it didn’t take long for the rumor mill to start churning, and soon everyone knew they were an item.

3、尽管他们试图在关系上保持低调,但你呼我应 / 你唱我合的方式却暴露无遗。不久后,同事们开始开玩笑说他们是一对情侣。

Even though they tried to keep their relationship under the radar, the way they finish each other’s sentences was a dead giveaway. It wasn’t long before their colleagues started joking about them being an item.

For that matter:it means to use the most powerful or effective methods, people, or resources available to achieve a goal or solve a problem, especially when other attempts have failed. (使用最强大的方法、最有能力的人或最有效的资源来达到目标或解决问题,尤其是在其他尝试失败的情况下。)


It’s not just the board of directors that’s in the dark about this project, but the entire management team, for that matter. Without a well-defined strategy, we’re all just flying by the seat of our pants.


I’ve never been to France, or Europe, for that matter. I guess it’s time to bite the bullet and start planning a trip before I kick the bucket.


It’s not just the district committee that’s turning a blind eye to the issue of homelessness; the whole community, for that matter, seems to prefer sweeping it under the rug rather than taking the bull by the horns and finding a solution.

今日引语推荐( The Kite Runner)

“Our friendship was a fortress and a prison, a sanctuary and a battlefield. It was an unbreakable bond forged in the fires of adversity, yet as fragile as the wings of a butterfly. We were everything and nothing to each other, our destinies intertwined in the tapestry of time.“


“The silence between us was deafening, a chasm wider than the sky and deeper than the ocean. It was a paradox of distance and proximity, for though we stood side by side, we were worlds apart. In that moment, I realized that the greatest distance is not physical but emotional, a gap forged by years of unspoken words and unresolved tensions. ”


S01E05 Part02练习素材及答案:

Line of work:it refers to a person’s occupation, profession, or job field. It denotes the type of work someone does for a living or the industry they are employed in. (这个短语指的是一个人的职业、专业或工作领域。它表示某人为了谋生而从事的工作类型或他们所从事的行业。)


Given the challenges in our line of work, it’s essential to keep your ear to the ground, and play your cards right to get ahead.


In this line of work, it’s crucial to keep your head above water and roll with the punches, as the stakes are high and competition is fierce.


When I first started in this line of work, I was a fish out of water, but now I’m in my element and always ready to go the extra mile for my clients.

I might add:it is a phrase used to introduce additional information that emphasizes or strengthens a point being made. It often adds emphasis or a persuasive element to the statement. (用于引入额外的信息或强调某个观点,通常是为了加强或澄清之前所说的内容。它的作用是强调一个陈述或提供更多的背景。)


The cake was not only out of this world and to die for, but, I might add, it was the icing on the cake of our perfect day at the park.


The presentation was not only a home run and smooth sailing, but, I might add, the presenter had us eating out of the palm of his hand with his charismatic delivery.


The new intern, who is full of beans, took on the project with flying colors and, I might add, hit the ground running in a way that blew us away.

Sth Make for an interesting addition:to contribute something unique or intriguing to a group, collection, or situation, enhancing its overall value or appeal. (为某个群体、某种收藏或特定情景提供独特或引人入胜的东西,从而增强其整体价值或吸引力。)


The new virtual reality gaming setup, with its cutting-edge technology and immersive experience, will surely make for an interesting addition to our gaming arcade, keeping our regulars on their toes.


The new book, with its twists and turns and well-crafted narrative, will make for an interesting addition to the book club’s reading list, keeping members hooked and engaged in lively discussions.


Her unorthodox teaching methods and infectious enthusiasm for the subject matter will make for an interesting addition to the faculty, offering students a breath of fresh air from the traditional curriculum.

今日引语推荐(Pride and prejudice)

“Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other, or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always continue to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life. ”


“It is particularly incumbent on those who never change their opinion, to be secure of judging properly at first. They may be likened to a man who has decided to buy a house and resolves never to quit it; yet without having duly considered the convenience of the situation, the accommodation within, or the expense of the purchase. Thus, their obstinacy may ultimately lead them to dwell in discomfort, and perhaps even ruin. ”


S01E05 Part03练习素材及答案:

In an effort to do sth:it means attempting or striving to achieve a particular goal or outcome. It conveys the idea of making a deliberate and focused attempt to accomplish something. (意指尝试或努力去达成特定的目标或结果。它表达了一种有意并专注的行为,旨在实现某种成就。)

In an effort to get the ball rolling on the project, the manager rallied the troops and laid all their cards on the table during the strategy meeting.

2、为了与莫尼卡和解,在争执之后,杰克放下自尊,并通过真诚的道歉向她伸出了橄榄枝 。
In an effort to make peace with Monica after the disagreement, Jack swallowed her pride and extended an olive branch by offering a sincere apology.

In an effort to mend fences with the local community, the politician bent over backwards to smooth things over, hoping to bury the hatchet after the contentious election.

Be scheduled to do sth:it means to have a planned or arranged time to perform a specific action or activity. It indicates that a certain event, task, or activity is set to occur at a designated time in the future. (意指有一个计划或安排好的时间来执行某个特定的动作或活动。这表示某个事件、任务或活动将在未来的特定时间发生。)

The conference is scheduled to start at 9 AM, but with so many moving parts, we’ll need to keep our fingers crossed that everything goes off without a hitch.

2、 CEO定于今天稍晚时发表公开声明,董事会成员正如坐针毡,做好准备迎接可能会突然冒出的意外。
The CEO is scheduled to make a public announcement later today, and the board members are on pins and needles as they brace themselves for what might come out of the woodwork.

The gala is scheduled to commence at 8 PM sharp, and the event planners are pulling out all the stops to ensure the evening runs like clockwork, while also keeping a few tricks up their sleeves for a surprise reveal.

Make one’s way in the world:it means to achieve success, recognition, or stability in life, often through one’s own efforts, hard work, or perseverance. It involves navigating the challenges of life and establishing oneself in a particular career, social standing, or personal goals. (意指通过个人的努力、勤奋或坚持,在生活中取得成功、获得认可或达到稳定的状态。这通常涉及在生活的挑战中自我导航,并在特定的职业、社会地位或个人目标中确立自己。)

To make his way in the world, he had to start from scratch, pull himself up by his bootstraps, and weather the storm of countless setbacks.

In order to make their way in the world, many entrepreneurs must think outside the box, keep their nose to the grindstone, and play their cards right in a competitive market.

Despite hitting rock bottom after the economic crash, she managed to bounce back / get back on one’s feet  and climb the ladder to make her way in the world.

今日引语推荐(To Kill a Mockingbird)

“People in their right minds never take pride in their talents. It’s the way we treat others, especially those less fortunate, that truly defines who we are. Talent is a gift, but kindness, humility, and generosity are the virtues that elevate us beyond mere skill, to the level of true greatness. It’s how we choose to use our talents that speaks volumes about our character.”


“To truly comprehend another person’s struggles, fears, and motivations, you must step beyond your own experiences and immerse yourself in theirs. Empathy is not merely about understanding someone’s words; it’s about feeling their emotions and seeing the world through their eyes. This deep, almost visceral connection is what dissolves prejudice, bridges divides, and fosters genuine human connection. ”


S01E05 Part04练习素材及答案:

Pull up stakes:it means to leave a place where you have been living or staying, often to move to a new location. It suggests a significant change or relocation, whether for personal, professional, or other reasons.  (离开一个你一直居住或停留的地方,通常是为了搬到一个新地方。)


When the company folded, she had no choice but to pull up stakes and seek greener pastures elsewhere, hoping to land on her feet in a new job.


After years of putting down roots in the small town, they decided to pull up stakes and hit the road, chasing new opportunities in the city where they could make a fresh start.


Faced with the writing on the wall, they made the difficult decision to pull up stakes and pursue a new chapter in a distant city, where they could reinvent themselves and escape the rat race.

Let someone out of one’s sight:it means to allow someone to move away or leave your presence, often implying a sense of concern or worry about their safety or well-being when they are not being watched or supervised. (允许某人离开你的视线,通常暗示着对他们的安全或福祉感到担忧或不安,因为他们不在你的看护或监督之下。)


As a protective parent, she refused to let her children out of her sight, always keeping an eagle eye on them and ensuring they didn’t get into hot water.


Despite her best efforts to keep her emotions in check, she couldn’t shake the feeling that if she let him out of her sight, she would be opening Pandora’s box.


The seasoned detective knew better than to let the prime suspect out of his sight, understanding that the devil is in the details, and one wrong move could blow the whole operation and put him back to square one.

Sth caught up with someone:it refers to the process of finally addressing or dealing with tasks, responsibilities, or issues that have been delayed or neglected over time. It often involves making up for lost time or facing the consequences of procrastination. (最终处理或应对因拖延或忽视而积累的任务、责任或问题。这通常涉及弥补失去的时间或面对拖延的后果。)


The company’s outdated technology finally caught up with them, and they were forced to bite the bullet and upgrade their systems, for fear that they would fall behind the competition and lose their edge in the market.


Her procrastination on the research project finally caught up with her, compelling her to get her ducks in a row, face the facts, and deal with the fallout from the missed deadlines.


After postponing her studies for so long, the backlog of assignments finally caught up with her, and she had to take the plunge, tackle the mountain of work, and stay on her toes to avoid falling behind further.

今日引语推荐(To Kill a Mockingbird)

“But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal—there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution, gentlemen, is a court of law. The courtroom stands as the great equalizer, where wealth, intellect, and social standing dissolve, leaving only the pursuit of justice. In its purest form, the law does not discriminate, offering every man, regardless of his station in life, the same opportunity to be heard, to seek fairness, and to find truth. This principle, though often challenged, remains the cornerstone of a just society. ”


“The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience. The laws of society may dictate our actions, but only our inner moral compass can guide our integrity. When faced with the pressure to conform or to follow the crowd, it is the quiet voice of conscience that reminds us of who we truly are, urging us to stand firm in our beliefs, even when it means standing alone. ”


S01E05 Part05练习素材及答案:

(Be) In a rut:1、to be stuck in a monotonous [mə’nɒtənəs(单调的、枯燥乏味的)], unchanging routine or situation, often feeling unfulfilled, bored, or trapped. (意指陷入单调、毫无变化的常规或状况中,通常感到无法实现自我、无聊或被困住。);2、to be stuck in a boring or repetitive situation, especially regarding one’s lifestyle or habits, such as fashion choices or daily routines. (陷入一种无聊或重复的状态,特别是指一个人的生活方式或习惯,比如着装选择或日常习惯。可翻译为:了无新意的;落入俗套的;墨守成规的)


He found himself in a rut, his days following the same script, with nothing to write home about and a growing desire to break free from the chains of routine.


Feeling in a rut with his career, he chose to turn over a new leaf, expand his horizons by exploring different fields, and chart a new course toward a more fulfilling future.


After years of wearing the same old styles, she finally admitted she was in a rut and needed to revamp [ˌriː’væmp] her wardrobe, and embrace a fresh look that would bring her back to life.

Catch up on something:it means to make up for lost time by doing something that one has missed or fallen behind on. This phrase is often used when someone needs to complete tasks, gather information, or spend time on something they haven’t had the chance to do. (意指通过做某事来弥补失去的时间,尤其是在某人错过或落后于某事时使用。这一短语通常用于表示某人需要完成任务、获取信息或花时间做他们没有机会做的事情。)

She took the opportunity to catch up on her reading during the long flight, diving into her novel, getting lost in the pages, and escaping the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

He realized he needed to catch up on his sleep after several nights of staying up late, so he decided to hit the hay early, let his hair down, and recharge his batteries for the week ahead.

After a busy week at work, she spent the weekend catching up on her favorite TV series, curling up on the couch, losing herself in the storylines, and unwinding with a cup of tea.

Punch above one’s weight:it means to perform beyond one’s expected abilities or capabilities, often in a situation where someone or something is competing against others who are more skilled, experienced, or advantaged. (意指表现超出预期的能力或水平,通常指某人或某物在与比自己更有技能、经验或优势的对手竞争时的表现。)

In the highly competitive academic world, she consistently punched above her weight by navigating the complexities of her research, playing the long game in her career development, and finding a niche that set her apart from her peers.

The young diplomat punched above his weight in the international negotiations, holding his ground amid intense discussions, put his best foot forward, and forging alliances that others overlooked.

The author punched above her weight by captivating readers with her fresh voice, weaving intricate narratives that kept critics on their toes, and earning a seat at the table among more seasoned writers.

今日引语推荐(And the Mountains Echoed)

“Beauty is an enormous, unmerited gift given randomly, stupidly. And beauty makes us so desperate, desperate to find someone who deserves it, someone who will make us believe that life is not the empty shell that we thought it to be. We want to be worthy of that beauty, to cherish it and to make it our own. But in the end, it is just a gift, one that is taken away just as randomly as it is given.”


“There is a place at the bottom of your heart, a place so deep that no grief, no misfortune can ever reach it. And in that place, there is a spring of hope, a fountain that never dries up, even when all else seems lost. This is where you must go when the world outside is a wasteland, when you are battered and bruised. Go there, and you will find the strength to carry on. ”


S01E05 Part06练习素材及答案:

Read upon something:to study or research a particular subject or topic thoroughly, typically by reading various sources of information. It often involves gathering knowledge or becoming more informed about a specific area of interest. (深入研究或学习某个特定的主题或话题,通常通过阅读各种信息来源。这通常涉及收集知识或对某个兴趣领域更加了解。)


He spent the weekend reading up on the new software, determined to keep his finger on the pulse of technological advancements, stay ahead of the curve, and leave no room for error.


Realizing the importance of the meeting, she read up on the client’s history, polished her pitch, and got her ducks in a row to make a strong impression.


Before embarking on her new diet, she decided to read up on nutrition and arm herself with knowledge to ensure she could separate the wheat from the chaff and make informed decisions.

Make one’s ends meet:To have just enough money to cover one’s basic expenses. It often implies a struggle or difficulty in managing finances or budgeting, particularly when income is limited and must be carefully allocated to avoid debt or financial hardship. (意思是收入刚好足够支付基本开支。它通常暗示在管理财务或预算时的挣扎或困难,特别是当收入有限且必须精打细算以避免债务或经济困境时。)


She managed to make her ends meet by scrimping and saving, pinching pennies, and occasionally doing odd jobs on the weekends to cover unexpected bills.


Even though the economy was tough, they found ways to make their ends meet, like living below their means, finding bargains, and turning every stone to save money.


Despite working two jobs to make ends meet, he still had to tighten his belt, cut back on luxuries, and stretch every dollar just to keep afloat.

Take one’s chances:it means to take a risk or act despite the uncertainty of the outcome, often in the hope of achieving a favorable result. It involves making a decision to pursue an opportunity, even when success is not guaranteed. (冒险或在结果不确定的情况下采取行动,通常是为了实现有利的结果。它涉及在成功没有保证的情况下决定去追求一个机会。)


Despite the stormy weather, they opted to take their chances and go sailing, choosing to ride out the storm and embrace the adventure, rather than sit on the sidelines.


He decided to take his chances and apply for the job, even though he knew the odds were stacked against him; he figured it was better to shoot for the moon than to play it safe all the time.


Knowing the market was unpredictable, she chose to take her chances and invest in the startup, willing to roll the dice and go out on a limb to potentially reap the rewards.

今日引语推荐(And the Mountains Echoed)

“It’s a funny thing, this need to tell. To talk. To be heard. The need to be understood, even if the one who hears does nothing to help, only stands there in silent understanding. We all need this, I think, in some small measure. We all need to know we are not floating out there alone in an empty space, that there is someone, a human soul, who cares about our existence, even if it’s just a little.”


“There is a place at the bottom of your heart, a place so deep that no grief, no misfortune can ever reach it. And in that place, there is a spring of hope, a fountain that never dries up, even when all else seems lost. This is where you must go when the world outside is a wasteland, when you are battered and bruised. Go there, and you will find the strength to carry on. ”


S01E05 Part07练习素材及答案:

Hit pay dirt:it means to discover or achieve something valuable or rewarding, often after much effort or searching. Originally, the phrase comes from mining, where “pay dirt” refers to soil or sediment that contains enough valuable minerals, such as gold, to be worth mining. (在经过大量努力或寻找之后发现或取得了有价值或有回报的东西。这个短语最初来源于采矿业,其中”pay dirt”指的是含有足够多有价值类似金子的矿物而值得开采的土壤或沉积物。近义词组:hit the mother lode)


The detective hit pay dirt when a small clue fell into his lap, connecting all the dots of the mystery and finally cracking the case that had stumped the department for years.


After years of struggling in the competitive market, the small business hit pay dirt when they struck a deal with a major retailer, which opened the floodgates to a new era of prosperity and growth.


The startup hit pay dirt with their innovative app, attracting millions of users and turning the tide of their financial woes, making them the talk of the town in the tech industry.

Snap out of something:it means to suddenly stop being in a particular mood or state, especially one that is negative or unproductive, such as sadness, depression, or inaction. (意思是突然从某种特定的情绪或状态中恢复过来,尤其是指一种消极或无益的情绪或状态,比如悲伤、沮丧或无所作为。)


He needed to snap out of his funk and get his act together, realizing that time waits for no one and that he was missing opportunities by dwelling in self-pity.


As soon as he snapped out of his daze, he knew he had to get his ducks in a row if he wanted to turn the tide of his financial situation and prevent things from going from bad to worse.


After realizing she was spinning her wheels with little progress, she snapped out of her lethargy [‘leθədʒi (倦怠、无精打采)] , deciding to pick up the pace and make every second count towards her goal of finishing the project.

On the lookout for someone:it means to be actively searching for or watching for someone, usually with a particular purpose or goal in mind. It implies vigilance and attentiveness in order to find or notice the person. (该短语意指:积极寻找或注意某人,通常带着特定的目的或目标。它暗示着警惕和注意力,以便找到或注意到这个人。)


The casting director was on the lookout for an actor who could light up the screen, bring down the house, and pull at the heartstrings of the audience with a single glance.


The seasoned journalist was on the lookout for sources who could spill the beans, shine a light on the scandal, and cut through the noise to reveal the truth to the public.


As the CEO prepared for the merger, she was on the lookout for executives who could read the room, navigate choppy waters, and weather the storm with poise and confidence.

今日引语推荐(To kill a mockingbird)

“People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for. They find what they expect to find. But the real challenge is looking beyond appearances, listening beyond words, finding what is hidden beneath the surface. It takes courage, it takes understanding, it takes a willingness to embrace what is unfamiliar and uncomfortable. That’s where true wisdom lies, not in seeing what is obvious, but in perceiving what is hidden from plain sight.”


“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not appreciate the warmth of the sun until one has felt the chill of the night. It’s in losing something that we come to understand its value, in its absence that we realize its presence. Sometimes, it’s not until we’re faced with loss that we begin to see the beauty in the things we once took for granted. ”



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