
S01E07 Part01练习素材及答案:

Desperate Housewives Narrator Mary Alice Young

Keep up with the Joneses:It refers to the act of comparing oneself to others, particularly one’s neighbors or peers, and trying to match or surpass their social status, wealth, or material possessions. (与他人,特别是邻居或同龄人进行比较,并试图匹配或超越他们的社会地位、财富或物质财产。)


He spent all his savings keeping up with the Joneses, buying flashy cars and living beyond his means, only to end up in over his head with debt.


She constantly tries to keep up with the Joneses, chasing the latest fashion trends and biting off more than she can chew, but in the end, it’s just putting on airs.


In their relentless pursuit to keep up with the Joneses, they maxed out their credit cards, bought a new car on a whim, and took lavish vacations that left them drowning in debt.


In their relentless pursuit to keep up with the Joneses, they constantly found themselves living beyond their means, trying to outshine their neighbors and stretching their wallets until they were barely able to make ends meet.

Mow down the competition:to decisively and often aggressively defeat or overpower competitors, leaving little to no chance for them to succeed. (是以决定性的方式,通常是激烈地击败或压倒对手,使他们几乎没有成功的机会。)


In the tech industry, it’s common to see startups mow down the competition by raising the bar, outshining rivals, and leaving no room for complacency, forcing established companies to scramble to catch up.


The athlete didn’t just win; she mowed down the competition with ease, blowing past her rivals, setting the pace for the entire race, and leaving everyone else to pick up the pieces after the final lap.


The company mowed down the competition by cutting through the red tape, cornering the market, and leaving their rivals in the dust, all while maintaining a relentless focus on innovation and customer satisfaction.

Trace something back to somewhere:to investigate and find the origin or source of something, often involving a search through history, events, or causes. (调查并找到某事物的起源或来源,通常涉及通过历史、事件或原因进行搜索。)


After piecing together the clues, the detective was able to trace the crime back to a remote village, lifting the veil on a decades-old secret and connecting the dots that no one else had seen before.


Scientists traced the virus back to a small, isolated region, after sifting through mountains of data, following the paper trail, and cracking the code that had baffled experts for months.


The historian traced the legend back to ancient manuscripts, digging through archives, unearthing forgotten stories, and finally shedding light on the roots of the myth that had stood the test of time.

今日引语推荐(The Wings of the Dove)

“There was a deep sorrow in the way she held herself, as though the weight of her unspoken grief had finally settled upon her shoulders. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be happy; it was that happiness seemed forever out of reach, slipping through her fingers no matter how tightly she tried to hold on. In her heart, she knew that what she desired most could never truly be hers, and it was that knowledge that haunted her every waking moment.”


“In the silence that stretched between them, she felt the weight of all the words they could not say. It was as though their shared history had woven an invisible bond, stronger than words, binding them in a moment that was both excruciating and tender. The more she tried to distance herself, the closer she felt to him, as if every attempt to break free only deepened the connection, leaving her trapped in the very thing she had sought to escape.”



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