S01E08 Part01练习素材及答案:

Make a splash:it means to attract a lot of attention or to create a significant impact, often in a lively or dramatic way. It suggests doing something that stands out and leaves a memorable impression on others. (引起轰动、搞出大的动静:吸引大量关注或产生重大影响,通常以生动或戏剧化的方式进行。它暗示做一些突出的事情,给他人留下难忘的印象。)


When she launched her new fashion line, she aimed to make a splash by pulling out all the stops, turning heads, and setting the bar high in the industry.


His debut novel was designed to make a splash, with an aggressive marketing strategy that would raise eyebrows, get people talking, and create a buzz among readers.


At the awards ceremony, the director wanted to make a splash with a stunning performance that would steal the show, bring down the house, and leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Rub elbows with someone:it means to socialize or associate closely with individuals, particularly those who are influential, prominent, or of a higher social status. It often implies mingling in a way that can lead to networking or forming beneficial relationships. (与某人亲密交往:它意味着与人密切社交或交往,尤其是那些有影响力、显赫或社会地位较高的人。它通常暗示着一种交融的方式,可以导致建立网络或形成有利的关系。)


At the charity gala, she had the chance to rub elbows with successful entrepreneurs, network like a pro, and make connections that could boost her career.


At the exclusive gala, she had the opportunity to rub elbows with renowned philanthropists, forge connections that could advance her career, and gain insight into the world of high society.


As she navigated the opulent soiree, she was determined to rub elbows with influential figures, impress her peers, and make her mark in a competitive social landscape.

Paint the town red:it means to go out and enjoy oneself in a lively and extravagant manner, often involving partying, celebrating, or engaging in fun activities. It conveys a sense of revelry and making the most of a festive occasion. (尽情狂欢:它意味着以生动而奢华的方式外出享受生活,通常包括聚会、庆祝或参与有趣的活动。它传达了一种欢庆的感觉,充分利用节庆的场合。)


With the successful launch of her art exhibition, she invited friends to paint the town red, kick up their heels, and immerse themselves in a night filled with laughter, dancing, and spirited conversations.


The team, having clinched the championship title, was eager to paint the town red, make a splash, and revel in their victory, visiting several hot spots to ensure their celebration was nothing short of unforgettable.


After securing the coveted contract, the executives resolved to paint the town red, casting aside their burdens, and savoring the sweet taste of triumph as they dined under the shimmering city lights, where every toast echoed their success.

今日引语推荐(The Bell Jar)

“In a world that often seemed to impose its expectations upon me, I began to understand the importance of forging my own path. The suffocating norms felt like a tight corset [‘kɔːsɪt],  restricting my breath and spirit. But as I dared to break free, I found that the true essence of living lies in embracing one’s individuality. Each choice I made became a declaration of my existence, a testament to my courage in a society that frequently silences the voice of the dreamer.”


“Amid the chaos of life, I often sought refuge in the written word. Each page turned was a step toward understanding the complexities of my own mind. Literature became a mirror, reflecting my innermost fears and desires, allowing me to confront them with clarity. In this sanctuary of stories, I found not only solace but also a reminder that vulnerability is a source of strength. Through the lens of others’ experiences, I began to unravel my own, learning that connection is woven through the shared narratives of existence.”



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