DH S01E16 Part01-02练习及答案:
Left in the lurch:it is an idiom that means being abandoned or left in a difficult situation without support, especially when one is unexpectedly left to deal with the consequences alone. It often implies that someone has been betrayed or forsaken at a critical moment. (被抛弃或陷入困境而没有支持,尤其是在一个人意外地被留下来独自面对后果时。它通常意味着某人在关键时刻被背叛或抛弃。相近表达:Left high and dry, left in the cold)
When the company went under, and the investors pulled the rug out from under him, he was left in the lurch, scrambling to make ends meet and wondering if there was light at the end of the tunnel for his business venture.
With the project on the line, and everyone else having bowed out at the last minute, she was left in the lurch, struggling to pick up the slack and salvage what little remained of the work, all while trying to keep her footing.
Just as the deal seemed to be falling into place, he was left in the lurch by his partner, who decided to jump ship, leaving him working around the clock, hoping to pull the project through without it completely going down in flames.
Opening salvo:it refers to the initial action, statement, or move in a conflict, debate, or negotiation. It is often used metaphorically to describe a strategic or impactful beginning, similar to the first shot fired in a battle. (在一系列事件中首次采取的行动、言辞或举动,通常用于启动更大的进程或对抗。这个词常用于辩论、争论或战略举措中,设定了后续行动的基调。它就像是战斗中的第一枪,标志着持续冲突或一系列行动的开始。—— 开场一击、开场炮、战斗的第一枪)
1、竞选活动的 开场一击是一则激进的广告,精准地一语中的,让对手迅速掉入陷阱,并试图在事情失控之前掩盖痕迹。
The opening salvo of the campaign was an aggressive ad that hit the nail on the head, causing his opponent to quickly fall into a trap and try to cover their tracks before things got out of hand.
The politician’s opening salvo in the debate was a sharp critique of her opponent’s policies, but instead of retaliating, he chose to let sleeping dogs lie, waiting for the right moment to tip the scales in his favor. Their verbal sparring set the stage for an intense evening.
The lawyer’s opening salvo during the trial was a carefully crafted argument that managed to set the wheels in motion for a strong case. Though the opposition tried to muddy the waters, her ability to gain the upper hand early on left the jury intrigued and the defense scrambling for a rebuttal.
Right off the bat:it is an idiomatic expression meaning immediately, without delay, or without wasting any time. It is often used to indicate that something happens at the very start of an event or process, or to describe an action taken without hesitation. (立即、毫不拖延、或没有浪费时间。它通常用来表示某事在事件或过程开始时立刻发生,或形容某个行动毫不犹豫地执行。)
Right off the bat, it was clear that their proposal was a double-edged sword; while it offered immediate gains, it could easily blow up in their faces if they didn’t dot the i’s and cross the t’s.
The new team leader came in, right off the bat, and hit the ground running, trying to take the reins and shake things up before anyone could question her methods.
The moment he stepped into the room, right off the bat, he could sense the tension and decided to take the reins and nip the issue in the bud, rather than let it snowball into something worse.
DH S01E16 Part03-04练习及答案:
Torn in all directions:an expression used to describe a state of being overwhelmed, confused, or conflicted due to multiple competing demands, responsibilities, or emotions. (四面楚歌、多面受压。用来描述由于多个竞争性的需求、责任或情感而感到不知所措、混乱或冲突的状态。它意味着一个人感到被不同的事情拉扯,从而导致无法专注于单一优先事项,甚至可能感到分散或无法做出决策。)
With the weight of expectations pressing on every side, he was torn in all directions, feeling the tug of duty and desire, but she kept her chin up and took it in stride, trying not to lose her grip on the task at hand.
The young executive found herself torn in all directions, caught between her growing responsibilities at work, the pressure to keep up appearances, and her desire to spend time with family, leading her to feel like a deer caught in the headlights at every turn.
The overwhelmed mother, trying to juggle a full schedule, was torn in all directions as she faced the constant tension between meeting everyone’s expectations and preserving her own sanity, making her feel like she was running on empty.
Take something in stride:it means to handle difficulties or obstacles with grace and composure, as though they were part of the natural course of events. (以优雅和冷静的态度处理困难或障碍,仿佛这些困难是生活自然的一部分。)
Despite the sudden collapse of the venture, they took it in stride, choosing to rise above the fray, rally their remaining resources, and chart a bold course toward a more promising future.
When the unforeseen merger dismantled his department, he took it in stride, focusing on turning lemons into lemonade, forging new alliances, and carving out a fresh path in the shifting corporate landscape.
Faced with a barrage of baseless accusations, she took it in stride, channeling her energy into crafting a watertight defense, maintaining her poise, and navigating the treacherous waters of public opinion with dignity.
Let something get under one’s skin:to allow something, often a comment or situation, to irritate or upset you deeply, sometimes causing an emotional reaction that is hard to shake off. (让某件事情,通常是评论或情境,深深地激怒或困扰自己,甚至产生难以摆脱的情绪反应。)
Her colleague’s passive-aggressive remarks were enough to get under her skin, but Sarah, ever the diplomat, brushed it off and kept her cool, choosing to play the long game rather than escalate things.
Despite the team’s constant criticism, Jason refused to let it get under his skin, and took it in stride, knowing they were just trying to poke the bear. He then decide to take the high road, not letting the frustrations cloud her judgment.
Though the constant whispering in the office was enough to get under his skin, Thomas, ever the quiet one, took it in stride, refusing to let it slide into something more serious. He was determined to keep his eyes on the prize and not let petty gossip derail his focus.