
绝望的主妇第一季第九集(Suspicious Minds)中文版剧情摘要:


加布丽尔为婆婆所在医院的护士们举办一场时装秀,约翰的母亲罗兰太太(Mrs. Rowland)也是模特之一,她十分感激加布丽尔雇佣儿子作园丁,但对他们的关系并不真正了解。苏珊无意撞见加布丽尔与约翰亲昵,指责她不该对不起卡洛斯。罗兰太太偷听到约翰与朋友的谈话,得知儿子与结过婚的女人有关系,她怀疑那人是苏珊。





绝望的主妇第一季第九集(Suspicious Minds)英文版剧情摘要:

Gabrielle decides to hold a charity fashion show on the street. While looking for dresses, the women discuss the sudden disappearance of Martha Huber, while Paul buries her in a forest.

Lynette uses her business skills to “poach” herself a nanny. Bree and Rex try to figure out the best way to punish their sociopath son Andrew when he continues to show no guilt after putting Juanita in a coma, and for finding marijuana in his room.

Meanwhile, Susan confronts Gabrielle after finding out about her and John, forcing her to come clean. John’s mother, Helen, also finds out that he is seeing a housewife. However, she assumes it is Susan.

Paul is told that Zach has escaped from the mental institution, only to be found in Julie’s room. After Susan is humiliated at the fashion show by Helen, Gabrielle finally tells her about the affair. Carlos is arrested, claiming he was “set up” by his business partner.


Gabrielle decides to run a fashion show showcasing the women of Wisteria Lane for charity. Edie is worried about Mrs. Huber when she fails to show up for the dress fitting.

Paul buries Mrs. Huber, whom he murdered in the previous episode, along with the blender which she had stolen from his family in the first episode.

Lynette decides to poach a nanny when she feels that the work is too much for her. Bree catches Andrew smoking marijuana and when Rex refuses to side with her, she anonymously reports Andrew to the school and thereby gets his locker searched.

Andrew is punished by being thrown off of the swim team which was Bree’s actual intent. Susan catches Gabrielle and John playing footsie. After Helen, John’s mother, overhears John tell a friend about his affair with a married woman and then sees Susan talking with John, she believes that Susan is sleeping with John.

Susan is then humiliated by Helen at the fashion show where she destroys her dress and creates a scene. Susan warns Gabrielle to come clean about her affair to Helen. When Gabrielle does, Helen threatens her.

Police investigate a trunk found in Rock water Lake with a woman’s cut up body inside. Susan’s daughter, Julie, is confronted by Zach’s father, Paul, after Zach runs away from Silver crest and Julie’s correspondence to Zach is found.

Julie lies to Paul, and her mother Susan, and says she doesn’t know where Zach is, although she has been harboring him, resulting in a new teen romance.

Gabrielle decides that she’d better tell Carlos of her affair with John before Helen does but cannot bring herself to do it. When the police arrive at Gabrielle’s door she believes they are there to arrest her for the illegal affair, but they arrest Carlos instead, who says “Tanaka set me up”.


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