引述个人观点 | 强调个人观点 |
As far as I know/am concerned:照目前看来… | The bottom line/ bullet/critical point is:关键是… |
The way I see it:在我看来… | The thing/fact/truth is:重点是、事实是… |
From my perspective/point of view:依我看… | I’d like to point out:我想指出的是… |
In my opinion:我个人认为;我的看法是… | Here’s the thing/deal:总的来说是这样… |
To my way of thinking: 按照我的想法/看法 | All I’m saying is that:我想要说的是… |
From what I can tell/see:从我所掌握的信息来看… | My point is/being:我的观点是… |
With all due respect / for what it’s worth / just so you know/ just so we’re clear/ as a matter of fact…/ I take it…/I guess…
仿写练习:To understand Missy Gibbons, you first need to know how she spend her afternoons.
To excel in language learning, you first need to know what’s your final target. / sort out your initial/original aspiration and your final target/goal. To a beginer’s way of thinking, memorize words and speak out and loud as much as possible would lead them to fluency; from a scholor’s perspecctive, proper use of lexicon and grammar would enable them stand out from the crowd; but in a really master’s mind, the ultimate goal of language acquisition is started with an initial string “in”, informative, influential and inspirational.
Desperate Housewives S01E10 Part01
Make one’s ultimatums: 下最后通牒
High-grade / first-class/ A-list /upscale / top-notch:上等的、一流的
I take it that…/ I bet
Bossy-type women
Run errands for sb: 为某人跑腿办事 Trivial things.
To understand sb, you first need to do sth.
Original aspiration / Ultimate goal
Misunderstood/ frustrated/ lonely Men
Exhilarating: exciting…
Know /ask /understand/ tell
Wave sth off:
A lamb:用名词作形容词用
Rex has become a regular fixture.
Infuse excitement with the audience.
Cast of characters:
Deceitful Villain /
Prosecutor [‘prɒsɪkjuːtə(r)]: 公诉人
Seek the truth: 寻求真相
Dispense justice:
- 分发、派发
- 管理 (事务、冲突、纷争)
- 免除、豁免
County courthouse: 镇法院
Defendant / Plaintiff:被告/原告
Slave labor:奴隶工
Business partner:
Fled away:潜逃、逃逸
Surrender sth to sb (authority):上交某物至上级或权威部门
Pass the bulk: 甩锅
The only breadwinner
As we speak:
Remanded: 收押、羁押
Brussel[‘brʌslz] sprouts[spraʊts]:(芽甘蓝)
Yummy: 好吃的
In rare form:behaving or performing in a way that is especially clever, skillful, amusing etc. (字面意思:行为举止上出现少见的形态,如格外聪明、灵巧、搞笑……此处指闹腾)
You’re still finding your way.
Deep down: 话说回来
Store up / save up:
Feel the smirk on her face / perverse joy
got sb under the gun for sth: under a terrible strain
The deal is broke.
Keep sb from doing sth:
Stay up till the wee hours:
Did you tell her that you have a wife or does that hinder your pick-up style.
Eligible bachelor: quite a catch / desirable.
Rex: Exploring options is the whole point of being separated.
Bree:Options (选项/ 期权、期货), I’m not a mutual fund (共享基金 公交车/ 我不愿意跟别的女人分享 ).
Investment portfolio: capital pool
Exclusivity: 排他性
Keep up with the Joneses:
Work into sth:掺和、揉和
M & A: Merge and acquisition
Why not I pin the receipt to my chest.
Mutual fund:吻合
She put her mind in the gutter.
双关 / 隐喻 / 反语