看绝望的主妇学高频短语:At all costs
At all costs: Regardless of the difficulty or cost; no matter what; Regardless of the expense or effort involved, by any means(不惜一切代价). For example, Ann told the doctor to preserve her mother’s sight at all costs, or It seems the company plans to develop the product at any cost, or I’m determined to get vacation time at any price. [Mid-1800s].
中文释义:At all costs是指为了达成心愿不惜一切代价,与它相近意思的短语还有at any cost,at any price.中国有句古语,叫大道至简。在新冠疫情这场前所未有的危机面前,中国做到的是一件说起来十分简单,做起来却无比困难的事——不惜一切代价,拯救每一个生命。相关例句:We are willing to save lives at all costs. No matter how old the patients are and how serious their conditions have become, we never give up.(我们愿意不惜一切代价挽救生命。无论病人年龄多大,病情有多严重,我们都不会放弃)。