看绝望的主妇学英语习语:Beats me
Beats me: A response when one does not know the answer to a question;I do not know the answer;I cannot figure it out.The question has me stumped. (The stress is on me.)As in Bill: When are we supposed to go over to Tom’s? Bill: Beats me.

中文释义:很多人一看到“beats me”,第一反应就是“打我”,“beat”是“击打”,“me”是“我”,没有错啊? 但其实“beats me”的真正意思是“难倒我了,我不知道”,其实从字面也可以理解的,因为“beat”还有一个意思是“打败”,那“beats me”就是“打败我了”,换句话说,也就是“难倒我了”。例句:‘What am I doing wrong, anyway?’ — ‘Beats me, Lewis.’ (“不管怎样,我到底做错了什么?”——“这我也不知道,刘易斯。”)

今日看点:beats me不是“打我”,当然beat it也不是“打它”的意思,在美国俚语中,beat it是‘逃避,逃跑,滚蛋’的意思。如:Beat it before it’s too late.(趁早滚开。 )