Breadwinner: One whose earnings are the primary source of support for one’s dependents. A person who earns a livelihood supporting a family with his or her earnings.
As in I’ve always paid the bills and been the breadwinner.

中文释义:bread 指面包,是美国人和欧洲人最基本重要的食物,像我们的米饭或是面食一样。它也常被用来代表“钱”。 Winner 指 “赢得/获得者“。因此breadwinner 就是指 “赚钱养家糊口的人”。另外“Bring home the bacon”也是赚钱养家的意思。
例句:I’ve always paid the bills and been the breadwinner.(我一直承担着所有开支,并且一直是养家的人。)

今日看点:英文里面有很多很形象的英文单词,我们叫“figurative language” 比喻性的语言,不能只看字面意思,它还有引申意义。这样的单词习语也非常形象生动,你看过了,就一定记得住。
1、 A piece of cake 小菜一碟
2、Compare apples and oranges 比较苹果和橙子,喻指无法相提并论
3、As cool as a cucumber 冷静得像一根黄瓜,比喻镇定自若
4、The cream of the crop 庄稼中炼的奶油,比喻精英/最优秀的人
5、There’s no use crying over spilled milk 牛奶撒了,哭也没用,比喻事已至此,耿耿于怀也无济于事