看绝望的主妇学高频短语: Call (all) the shots
Call the shots: to dictate how a situation or agenda proceeds, as from a position of authority; to decide on the course of action; to be in charge. If you call the shots, you are the person who makes all the important decisions in an organization or situation.

中文释义:我们经常会问别人,你们家里谁说了算?也就是谁作最后的决定。美国人经常用“to calls the shots”来表达作最后决定、下命令的意思。“To call the shots”原来的意思是:军官给部队下达命令开枪。但是现在“to calls the shots”已经在口语中频繁出现。例句:My staff has to do what I say because I’m the boss, and I call all the shots here!(我的员工必须照我说的去做,因为我是老板,在这里我说了算。)
