看绝望的主妇学英语俚语:Come clean
Come clean: To be honest with somebody about something; to admit something to someone, often regarding a wrongdoing that one has tried to hide. Confess everything, as in If you come clean about what happened I will promise to keep it to myself. [Slang; early 1900s].(表示和某人说实话,毫不掩饰)

中文释义:Clean 意思是“干净的” Come clean字面意思是“变得干净”,实际上它是“坦白承认,说出一切”的意思,也就是我们常说的“摊牌”。另外,通常表达对某人坦白时用:come clean with sb;表达对某事坦白时用:come clean about sth。例句:It was time to come clean with my mother(该是和我母亲说实话的时候了)。“摊牌”的另一个地道表达:show one’s hand,原本是赌场的一个术语,表示一把全部压上,俗称“梭哈”,后来就引申为:坦白、摊牌。

1、as clean as a whistle(干干净净)
2、a clean break:(与人、组织、生活方式等)彻底决裂
例句:She wanted to make a clean break with the past.(她想与过去完全断绝。)