绝望的主妇第一季第一集学习笔记:Detergent commercial

Detergent commercial: “Detergent commercial” is a metaphor for a fake happy marriage. One that looks perfect from the outside, but on the inside it is all props and acting and nothing ever works as well as they claim in the commercial.


这个Detergent commercial的字面意思是清洁剂广告,看到这个词它给人的画面感是:广告片中家庭主妇高兴而愉悦的画面。当然,这个画面是根据广告需要表演出来的。在这里编剧使用了隐喻的手法,将Bree与Rex在外人咋一看来幸福美满的婚姻比作是清洁剂广告式的那种被刻意包装、扮演出来的愉悦和美满。


我非常理解Rex对于这种“The least we can do is try to keep up appearances.”感到发自内心的不耻和压抑。这种貌合神离、藕断丝连的婚姻关系长时间勉强维系下来会让男人竭斯底里,女人痛哭流涕。

Here I would like to quote from Susan in episode one, she puts it:

Sometimes people pretend to be one way on the outside, when they’re totally different on the inside.

In the realistic world, there’re many couples lost their faith in marriage, the major motives which drive them to keep up the appearance is on one hand, their reputation, dignity and proud or in the name of their kids. On the other hand, lack of confidence to start from scratch when it comes to seeking for a better half.


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