


Narrator:The best christmas ever– 每年紫藤街的居民

93–That’s what the residents of wisteria lane were dreaming of 都梦想今年将是最美好的一次圣诞

94–As they prepared for their annual yuletide festival.积极筹备一年一度的大节日

95–So they hung up a banner…他们挂起了横幅

96–Brought out their candy canes…放好拐杖糖

97–And put up santa’s workshop, 搭起了圣诞老人的工作坊

98–As eager as children for the holiday to begin.像孩子们一样期待节日的到来

99–Of course,当然

100–Some were more childish than others.一些人比孩子还要稚气

101–Look at this mess. It’s like santa’s colon.看这儿乱七八糟的  就想圣诞老人的结肠一样

102–That’s funny. Did you hear that?非常有趣  你听见了吗

103–Hilarious. Almost as funny as when orson said it last year.十分有趣  和奥森去年说同样的话同样有趣

104–Okay. How about some christmas music?来点圣诞音乐怎么样

105–Parker, you got that sound system fixed?帕克  音响调好了吗


107–Do we really want the kid working with electricity?我们真的要让这个小孩来做电工活吗

108–He can’t even get the newspaper on my porch.连报纸他都丢不到我家门廊上

109–You’re clumping.都搅成一团了

110–Hey, what is going on with you two?你们两个是怎么了

111–I don’t want to get into it.我懒得说

112–Well, whatever it is, you need to work it out.不管出了什么问题  你们要解决它

113–We are caroling at the festival on saturday,周六圣诞晚会我们还要合唱

114–And we can’t have two of our jingle belles fighting.我可不想你们俩到时候出乱子

115–You know, if you need a replacement,如果你们需要替补

116— I’ve been told that I have a dusky alto. – No way!-别人可说我有着忧郁的女低音  -没门

117–Girls only.只要女性

118–We’re the jingle belles, not the jingle balls.我们是叮当美女  可不是叮当男人

119–Shouldn’t you be out stealing the last can of who hash?你不是该去偷最后一罐肉末罐头了吗(典故:圣诞怪杰)

120–You want to see me go all grinch on your ass?你想看怪杰们在你屁股后面打转吗

121–To be honest, Bree, I don’t think I’m gonna be able布里  说实话

122–To sing with Lynette after she was–我无法和勒奈特一起合唱  在她

123–After she what? Are you about to trash me?我怎么了  你是在谴责我吗

124–I have way too much class to trash you,你的罪行已经滔天了

125–No matter how much you deserve it.不管有多少  那都是你自作自受

126–Merry christmas to me. What did she do?祝我圣诞快乐  她做什么了

127–She’s suing Carlos.她在起诉卡洛斯

128— You’re suing him? – Because he fired me.-你在起诉他  -因为他解雇了我

129— He fired her?  – Because she lied about being pregnant.-他解雇了她  – 因为她谎称自己没怀孕

130— You’re pregnant?! – With twins.-你怀孕了  – 还是双胞胎

131— You knew? – I told her to keep it quiet.- 你早就知道了  – 我要她保密的

132— Congratulations. – Sure, take her side.-恭喜你  -你在偏袒她

133— She’s not! – Stop fighting.-她没有  – 别吵了

134–I mean, with all we’ve been through lately–最近我们经历了太多事了

135–Julie being attacked, danny bolen’s overdose–朱莉被袭击了  丹尼·伯伦服药自杀

136–We really need some christmas spirit around here.我们这里真的需要点圣诞喜庆气氛

137–Susan’s right. 苏珊说得对

138–This is the time we should come together 是时候让我们站在一起

139–And celebrate peace on earth 庆祝久违的平静

140–And good will towards men and…祈祷万事都能顺利

141–Oh, crap. Who’s dead now? 噢  见鬼 这次又是谁死了


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