

Desperate Housewives Narrator Mary Alice Young

S01E04 Part01练习素材及答案:

Fall short of something:it means to fail to meet a particular standard, expectation, or goal. It implies not reaching the level that was aimed for or expected. (未能达到特定的标准、期望或目标。它表示没有达到所期望或设定的水平。)


The company’s new product fell short of expectations, and customers felt it was not up to snuff/par compared to its competitors.


Despite pulling out all the stops, The charity event’s proceeds fell short of the desired amount; their efforts to raise funds didn’t measure up.


Even with all the hype, the movie fell short of being a blockbuster. The storyline didn’t hit the mark, and the special effects were nothing to write home about, leaving fans feeling like they got the short end of the stick.

“Sb/sth gives someone the creeps”:it means that the person or thing makes someone feel uncomfortable, scared, or uneasy, often because they seem strange, eerie, or unsettling. (让人起鸡皮疙瘩”是指那个人或东西让人感到不舒服、害怕或不安,通常是因为它们显得奇怪、怪异或令人不安。)


The way the new coworker stares without blinking really gives me the creeps. It’s like he’s trying to read your mind.


The abandoned house at the end of the street gives me the creeps; it’s like something straight out of a horror movie.


Walking through the dark, foggy forest gave us all the creeps. The rustling leaves and distant animal sounds made our skin crawl.

Bring out the big guns:it means to use the most powerful or effective methods, people, or resources available to achieve a goal or solve a problem, especially when other attempts have failed. (使用最强大的方法、最有能力的人或最有效的资源来达到目标或解决问题,尤其是在其他尝试失败的情况下。)


When the negotiations hit a deadlock, the company decided to bring out the big guns and brought in their top lawyers.

When the party started to die down, they brought out the big guns by playing the most popular songs and serving up delicious snacks, hoping to keep the energy up.


When the disease outbreak became unmanageable, the health authorities brought out the big guns by deploying their most experienced epidemiologists, sparing no expense to control the spread.

今日引语推荐( Miss Austin Regrets)

” In the quiet solitude of reflection, we often find ourselves confronting the stark contrast between our aspirations and our realities, and it is within this crucible of self-examination that we either forge a path of enlightenment or succumb to the shadows of our unfulfilled dreams. ”

“在反思的宁静孤独中,我们常常发现自己面对着理想与现实之间的强烈对比,而正是在这自我审视的熔炉中,我们要么开辟一条启蒙的道路,要么屈服于未竟梦想的阴影。 ”

“While it is true that the passage of time may render our achievements as mere footnotes in the annals of history, it is through the relentless pursuit of our passions, and the unwavering commitment to our principles, that we carve out a legacy that transcends the bounds of temporal limits and resonates across generations. ”



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