
S01E04 Part03练习素材及答案:

Someone is quite a catch:it used to describe a person who is considered a very desirable partner, either romantically or professionally. (用来形容一个被认为是非常理想的伴侣,不论是在浪漫关系中还是在职业上。)


She’s got brains, beauty, and a killer job; it’s no wonder everyone thinks she’s quite a catch. Any guy would be lucky to sweep her off her feet.


Everyone says she’s quite a catch because she’s drop-dead gorgeous, has a heart of gold, and a great sense of humor.


When the company hired him, they knew they had quite a catch on their hands; he’s been a breath of fresh air with his innovative ideas and go-getter attitude.

Moral authority:it refers to the ability or right of an individual or organization to be respected and listened to because of their perceived ethical integrity, honesty, and adherence to moral principles. (”道德权威” 指的是一个人或组织因其被认为具有道德诚信、诚实和遵循道德原则而受人尊重和倾听的能力或权利。)


The professor lost his moral authority among students after being caught in a plagiarism [‘pleɪdʒərɪzəm] scandal; it’s hard to take the high ground when you’ve been caught red-handed.


Her words carried weight because she had the moral authority of someone who always put ethics before profits and never cut corners.


The local pastor held a great deal of moral authority (in his jurisdiction [ˌdʒʊərɪs’dɪkʃn]); when he spoke out against bullying, even the toughest kids in school towed the line and turned over a new leaf.

1、看来你是不到黄河心不死, / 不撞南墙不回头啊!
It seems you’re not gonna give in until you hit the dead-end.


You’re not gonna make it, not as long as I live.


Don’t assume that I have no disposition just because I’m open to persuasion!


Just because you’ve got someone hold your back, doesn’t mean you’ve got the free rein/ can do whatever you want!

今日引语推荐( Miss Austin Regrets)

“While it is true that the passage of time may render our achievements as mere footnotes in the annals of history, it is through the relentless pursuit of our passions, and the unwavering commitment to our principles, that we carve out a legacy that transcends the bounds of temporal limits and resonates across generations. ”


” In the quiet solitude of reflection, we often find ourselves confronting the stark contrast between our aspirations and our realities, and it is within this crucible of self-examination that we either forge a path of enlightenment or succumb to the shadows of our unfulfilled dreams. ”

“在反思的宁静孤独中,我们常常发现自己面对着理想与现实之间的强烈对比,而正是在这自我审视的熔炉中,我们要么开辟一条启蒙的道路,要么屈服于未竟梦想的阴影。 ”


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