
S01E04 Part07练习素材及答案:

Take a strong stance with/against someone:to adopt a firm or uncompromising position in support of or opposition to something. (采取坚定或不妥协的立场,支持或反对某件事。这个短语通常用来描述某人在某个问题、政策或行动中坚定不移的观点或决定。)


The chief negotiator took a strong stance with the opposing party, making it clear that concessions on key points were off the table, while emphasizing the importance of a balanced agreement.


The manager took a strong stance against the proposed budget cuts, making it clear that trimming down resources would hinder the team’s productivity and jeopardize long-term goals.


The board of directors took a strong stance with the CEO in backing the merger, believing that the synergy between the two companies would create significant market advantages.

Hate someone’s guts:it is an idiomatic expression used to describe an intense and deep-seated hatred or dislike for someone. It implies a strong emotional reaction, often stemming from resentment, anger, or personal animosity [ˌænɪ’mɒsəti]. (表示对某人的强烈和深刻的仇恨或厌恶。这种表达通常源于怨恨、愤怒或个人敌意,意味着一种强烈的情感反应。)


Mark hates his boss’s guts after being passed over for the promotion he deserved, and now he goes out of his way to avoid any interaction with him.


John hates his competitor’s guts for stealing his ideas and taking credit for his hard work. Now, he’s hell-bent on outshining him in the next big project.


After that heated argument, Jason hates Emily’s guts and now he avoids her like the plague in the office, refusing to engage in any small talk during meetings.

Live to do something:to survive or continue living with the purpose or ultimate goal of achieving a particular action or event in the future. It conveys a sense of purpose or destiny tied to that specific action.(意思是为了将来实现特定的行为或事件而继续生存或活下去。这表达了一种与该特定行动或目标相联系的目的感或宿命感。)


He lives to close deals, always on the grind and never missing a beat when it comes to sealing the next big contract.


He lived to see his dreams come true, always keeping his eyes on the prize and never losing sight of his ambitions, despite all the obstacles he faced.


She lives to witness her children succeed in life, always going the extra mile to ensure they have the best opportunities and leaving no stone unturned in their upbringing.

今日引语推荐( The Kite Runner)

” Time can be a greedy thing—sometimes it steals all the details for itself. We all wanted to live long enough to be there when we were needed most, but time, that silent thief, crept up on us with a subtlety that we couldn’t anticipate. It took from us what we cherished most, leaving only a vague impression of what used to be vibrant and full of life.“

“时间有时是贪婪的——它会将所有细节据为己有。我们都希望能活得够长,能在最需要我们的时候出现,但时间,这个无声的小偷,悄然接近我们,让我们措手不及。它夺走了我们最珍惜的东西,只留下曾经充满生机的模糊印象。 ”

“The past is a beast we cannot tame, a shadow that looms large over our present and future. It lingers like the scent of a forgotten perfume, or the echo of a distant melody that we can never quite place. No matter how fast we run, or how far we go, it always finds a way to catch up with us, reminding us of the things we’ve done, the people we’ve hurt, and the dreams we’ve abandoned. ”

“过去是一头无法驯服的野兽,是笼罩在我们现在和未来上方的巨大阴影。它像一抹遗忘的香水味或一首遥远的旋律在我们记忆中萦绕,无论我们跑得多快,走得多远,它总会找到办法追上我们,提醒我们曾经做过的事,伤害过的人,以及我们放弃的梦想。 ”


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