
S01E06 Part02练习素材及答案:

As a last resort:it is a phrase used to describe an action or decision that is taken only when all other options have been exhausted or are not feasible. It implies that the action is not the preferred choice but is considered necessary due to the circumstances. (该短语是指:一个用来描述在所有其他选项都用尽或不可行时采取的行动或决定的短语。这意味着该行动不是首选,但由于情况的缘故被认为是必要的。)


The company, as a last resort, chose to lay off several employees to cut costs, fully aware that this decision would ruffle a few feathers, burn bridges with long-standing staff, and send shockwaves through the industry.


As a last resort, she decided to call her estranged brother for help, even though she knew it was like opening a can of worms and could potentially rock the boat in their already fragile relationship.


He agreed to borrow money from a payday lender as a last resort, understanding that it was a double-edged sword, a slippery slope to financial trouble, and could come back to haunt him later.

String someone along:it is an informal phrase that means to deliberately mislead someone, making them believe that something (such as a relationship, opportunity, or agreement) is progressing or will eventually happen when, in fact, the person has no intention of following through. (“吊某人胃口” 是一个非正式的短语,意思是故意误导某人,让他们相信某件事情(如一段关系、机会或协议)正在进行或最终会发生,实际上这个人并没有兑现的打算。通常涉及给某人虚假的希望或做出不会兑现的承诺。)


The company strung the job candidate along for weeks, implying that an offer was imminent, when they were actually covering all their bases, hedging their bets.


When they realized the politician was just stringing them along with empty promises, they felt sold down the river, left high and dry, and taken for a ride.


He strung her along for months, making her think they had a future together, but he was really just buying time, keeping her in the dark, and playing with her emotions.

Be plagued with something:it means to be continuously troubled, affected, or burdened by a particular problem, difficulty, or negative condition. It suggests a persistent and often overwhelming presence of issues or challenges.(持续受到某个特定问题、困难或消极状况的困扰或负担。它暗示着问题或挑战的持续存在,并且通常是压倒性的。)


The city has been plagued with traffic congestion for years, causing residents to reach the end of their rope, hit a wall with commuting times, and pull their hair out over delays.


He was plagued with self-doubt throughout his career, which made him constantly second-guess himself, feel like he was in over his head, and wrestle with his demons of inadequacy.


The team was plagued with injuries all season, leaving them between a rock and a hard place, scraping the bottom of the barrel for replacements, and running out of steam by the playoffs.

今日引语推荐( The Painted Veil )

“Love is not just the act of being selfless but the courage to be vulnerable. It is the willingness to share our darkest fears, our deepest wounds, with the knowledge that we may be misunderstood, judged, or even rejected. True love lies in the risk of exposure, in the strength to show oneself fully and accept the other wholly. It’s not about finding the perfect partner but about forging an unbreakable bond through the imperfections of both.”


“In the stillness of our solitude, we find clarity. It is in those quiet moments, away from the chaos and clamor of daily life, where we strip away the noise and distraction, leaving only the pure, unadulterated [ˌʌnə’dʌltəreɪtɪd] essence of our thoughts. Here, we confront our fears, face our truths, and realize that strength is not in the facade we present to the world but in the quiet resilience we nurture within. It is in silence that we find our true voice. ”



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