S01E06 Part04练习素材及答案:
Dip into something:it means to take or use a small amount of something, often from a resource or supply that is intended to last for a longer time. It can refer to money, savings, supplies, or even knowledge. (从本应长期保留的资源或供给中取出或使用一小部分。它可以指钱、储蓄、用品,甚至是知识。)
When the company lost a major client, they were forced to dip into their emergency reserves, tightening the purse strings and cutting corners to stay afloat.
To fund his niece’s college tuition fee abroad, he had to dip into his savings, even though he knew it would mean pinching pennies during an upcoming rough patch until he could get back on track.
Facing an unexpected medical expense, Carrie had no choice but to dip into her child’s college fund, a decision that left her wracked with guilt and feeling like she was robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Fall off the wagon:it means to resume a bad habit or addiction, especially drinking alcohol, after having previously stopped or abstained. It suggests a lapse in self-control or a return to a negative behavior that one had previously managed to avoid. (恢复以前的坏习惯或上瘾行为,尤其是指恢复饮酒习惯,尽管之前已经戒掉或停止。这表示自我控制的失误或回到以前设法避免的负面行为。)
After months of staying sober, Tom fell off the wagon at the party last night; he ended up hitting the bottle, throwing caution to the wind, and making a fool of himself in front of everyone.
Martha fell off the wagon after the holidays, finding herself back at square one with her diet, eating her feelings and throwing her weight around at work when hearing her subordinate commented on her relapse.
Despite months of keeping his nose clean, Alan fell off the wagon when he lost his job, going down a slippery slope of nights out, having orgies with his nerdy friends, and digging himself into a hole.
Be in over one’s head:an idiom that means to be involved in a situation that is too difficult or beyond one’s ability to manage or understand. It suggests being overwhelmed or out of one’s depth in handling a particular task or situation. (参与一个过于困难或超出自己能力范围的情况。这表示被某个任务或情况所压倒或无法应对。)
Mark thought managing a team would be a piece of cake, but he was soon in over his head; he found himself juggling too many balls at once, putting out fires left and right, and feeling like he was sinking in quicksand.
After taking on the new project, John quickly realized he was in over his head; he was out of his depth, biting off more than he could chew, and running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to meet the impossible deadlines.
When Sarah agreed to take over the role of CEO, she didn’t expect to be in over her head; she was soon drowning in paperwork, pulling her hair out over budgeting issues, and up to her neck in complicated negotiations.
今日引语推荐(And the mountains echoed)
“In the vast expanse of the desert, where each grain of sand tells a tale of its own, lies the memory of a family, torn apart by time and distance yet bound eternally by love and longing. The wind, a mournful whisper, carries their secrets across the dunes, where they dance like the shadows of ghosts, unseen yet felt, lingering in the spaces between, reminding us that some connections, though severed, never truly fade.”
“Like a river carving its way through the mountains, we are shaped by the choices we make, the paths we take. We flow through life, bending around obstacles, sometimes roaring in anger, sometimes whispering in peace. And in the end, we find ourselves merging with the vast ocean of humanity, our stories becoming part of the greater narrative, each one a testament to the journey we have undertaken and the lives we have touched.”