
S01E07 Part02练习素材及答案:

Suffice it to say:it is an expression used to indicate that one is providing enough information or detail for the point to be understood, without going into full detail or further explanation. It’s a way of saying, “It’s enough to mention” or “It should be clear from this.”  (表示提供足够信息以使人理解,而无需进一步详细说明的表达方式。它的意思类似于“这样表达应该足够”或“从这点上应该很清楚”。)


Suffice it to say, when the news broke, it was like opening a can of worms, but we decided to roll with the punches and keep our fingers crossed for a better outcome.


Suffice it to say, after a series of twists and turns, we decided to call a spade a spade and put our cards on the table, knowing full well it was a make-or-break moment for the negotiation.


Suffice it to say, after hours of deliberation, we decided to cut through the red tape, choosing to let sleeping dogs lie, all while ensuring that no one would be able to muddy the waters in the future.

Hit the nail on the head:it means to say or do exactly the right thing; to identify or address a problem or issue with precision. (该短语是指:说了对的话或做了完全正确的事情;准确地指出或处理了一个问题。一语中的、说/做到了点子上、击中要害)


When you emphasized that the team was barking up the wrong tree, you really hit the nail on the head; now we need to bite the bullet, cut through the red tape, and play it by ear as we figure out a better course of action.


When you said the proposal was full of loopholes, you hit the nail on the head; now we need to pull up our socks, get down to brass tacks, and tread carefully before the situation blows up in our faces.


She hit the nail on the head when she remarked that we’ve been dragging our feet; it’s time to change gears, cut to the chase, and stop passing the buck before we let this project fall through the cracks.

Roll in with something:to arrive or show up in a noticeable or significant way, often with a specific item, style, or entourage that draws attention. It can convey the idea of entering with confidence, sometimes implying extravagance or a sense of making an impression. (以显眼或显著的方式带着某物到场或出现,通常带有引人注目的物品、风格或随行人员。这一短语可以传达自信的进场方式,有时暗示奢华或制造印象/讲排场的感觉。)


He rolled in with a flashy sports car, turning heads left and right, making everyone whisper that he had hit the jackpot and stolen the spotlight.


They rolled in with designer clothes and a team of assistants, acting as if they ran the show, set the bar high, and expected everyone else to fall in line.


They rolled in with a brand-new sound system, and within minutes, the entire crowd was eating out of their hands. The room was buzzing with excitement, and everyone seemed to fall under their spell, knowing they had raised the bar for the night.

今日引语推荐(The Wings of the Dove)

“She had been taught to fear failure, to shun it like a disease, but now she realized that failure was not an end, but a beginning. Every failure carried with it the seed of a lesson, a chance to start again with more wisdom and less pride. The real failure was in not trying, in letting the fear of defeat keep one from ever stepping onto the path.”


“The paradox of life, she mused, was that the more one clung to control, the more chaotic everything seemed to become. It was only in the act of surrender, of letting go of the need to dictate every outcome, that peace could be found. True strength lay not in the power to command, but in the grace to adapt.”



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