
S01E07 Part03练习素材及答案:

Get someone over the hump:it means helping someone overcome a difficult point or challenge, allowing them to make progress and move forward. It refers to the “hump” as a metaphorical obstacle that must be crossed to achieve success or relief. (帮助某人克服一个困难点或挑战,从而使他们能够取得进展并继续前行。“驼峰”比喻为必须跨越的障碍,以实现成功或解脱。)


After weeks of struggling with the project, the mentor’s advice finally got him over the hump, pulling him out of the rut and allowing him to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


The financial boost got the business over the hump, allowing it to stay afloat just long enough to get back on its feet and begin making headway.


The team was stuck in the middle of development until a breakthrough idea got them over the hump, helping them turn the corner and gain some ground on their competitors.

Hit the wall:it means to reach a point of physical, mental, or emotional exhaustion where progress becomes difficult or impossible. It often refers to athletes running out of energy, but it can also apply to other contexts like work or personal challenges when someone feels completely drained. (达到身体、精神或情感上的极限,进步变得困难或不可能。这个短语常用于描述运动员耗尽体力,但也适用于工作或个人挑战,当一个人感到完全疲惫时。)


As the writer approached the final chapters of his novel, he hit the wall, his creativity running dry, and he found himself wandering in circles, unable to bring his ideas to fruition.


In the middle of the legal battle, the firm hit the wall as their strategy began to fall apart at the seams, and their key witnesses fell by the wayside, casting a shadow on their chances of winning.


She hit the wall during the final stages of the project, her enthusiasm fizzled out as she began treading water, desperately trying to keep up appearances.

Chase ghost:to pursue something elusive, imaginary, or unattainable, often wasting time and energy on something that doesn’t exist or has no chance of being achieved. It can also refer to obsessing over unfounded fears or worries. (追求难以捉摸、虚幻或无法实现的事物,常常浪费时间和精力在不存在或毫无可能实现的事情上,也可以指过度执着于毫无根据的恐惧或担忧。)


They were running in circles, chasing ghost that didn’t exist, their efforts spinning into chaos as they lost sight of the bigger picture in their quest for unattainable goals.


Chasing ghosts in the stock market can cost an arm and a leg, especially when investors jump the gun on risky deals without doing their homework.


The investigative team wasted months chasing ghosts, their resources slipping through their fingers as they ran into dead ends, never quite grasping the truth they so desperately sought.

今日引语推荐(The Wings of the Dove)

“There was a moment when she saw clearly that to live fully meant to embrace both joy and sorrow, for they were intertwined like the roots of a tree. Without one, the other could not flourish. It was in the acceptance of pain, as much as in the pursuit of happiness, that life found its deepest meaning.”


“In the grand scheme of things, she realized, all the battles fought and the victories won amounted to little more than fleeting moments of satisfaction. The real journey was internal, the quiet cultivation of patience, of resilience, of grace in the face of adversity. It was not the outer conquest but the inner peace that defined the true victor in life’s ceaseless war. ”



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