
S01E07 Part04练习素材及答案:

End on a bad note:it means that a situation or event concludes in an unpleasant, negative, or disappointing way. It suggests that things did not turn out well, and the final moments were marked by disagreement, failure, or some form of dissatisfaction. This can apply to anything from conversations to performances or even relationships.(以不好的结局告终 —— 指某个情况或事件以令人不愉快、消极或失望的方式结束。它暗示事情没有顺利进行,最后的时刻充满了争执、失败或某种形式的不满。该短语可以用于谈话、表演,甚至是人际关系。)


The meeting, which had started with high hopes, spiraled out of control as tempers flared, and it ultimately ended on a bad note, leaving the team walking away with their feathers ruffled.


After putting his heart and soul into the project, the presentation fell apart at the seams, and the meeting ended on a bad note, leaving everyone feeling at their wit’s end.


Their long-standing friendship took a nosedive after that heated argument, and despite efforts to reconcile, it ultimately ended on a bad note, with both of them harboring grudges and parting ways in bitterness.

Sink into something: it means to become deeply involved, absorbed, or immersed in a situation, activity, or emotion. It often implies that the person is gradually becoming more entrenched or lost in that state, whether it’s relaxation, thoughts, or even despair. It can also describe a physical sensation, such as sinking into a comfortable chair or bed. (逐渐深陷或沉浸于某种情况、活动或情感中。它通常暗示一个人逐渐更深地陷入这种状态,不管是放松、思考,还是甚至绝望。它也可以用来描述一种身体感受,比如沉入舒适的椅子或床中。)


He slowly sank into despair as the pressure continued to mount, and although his friends tried to lift his spirits, the weight of his responsibilities seemed to drag him down even further.


After the long day, she finally sank into the plush sofa, letting herself unwind completely, as the hustle and bustle of the city outside became nothing more than a distant hum in her mind.


He could feel himself sinking into a sea of uncertainty, as the pressure to keep his head above water mounted, and the weight of the world seemed to press harder on his shoulders with every passing day.

Paint outside the lines:it means to break from traditional boundaries, rules, or expectations, and to embrace creativity, innovation, or unconventional thinking. It suggests going beyond the confines of what is expected, often to bring fresh ideas or unique approaches. (打破传统界限、规则或期望,拥抱创造力、创新或非传统思维。它意味着超越所期待的限制,通常是为了带来新颖的想法或独特的方法。)


She was no stranger to thinking big, but this time, her decision to paint outside the lines seemed like she was playing with fire, yet it was exactly that unpredictability that kept her ahead of the pack.


When push came to shove, he decided to paint outside the lines, taking a bold risk that raised more than a few eyebrows, but ultimately left his competitors eating his dust.


Breaking the mold was second nature to him, and when he chose to paint outside the lines with his latest project, it was clear he wasn’t just jumping on the bandwagon but aiming to set a new precedent.


When he decided to paint outside the lines, he shook things up in the boardroom, leaving the competition in the dust and earning a reputation for blazing a trail in the industry.

今日引语推荐(Brave New World)

“The world is a laboratory, and human beings are mere experiments in the grand scheme of social engineering. We are subjects in an endless series of trials designed to perfect the art of happiness through manipulation and conditioning. The irony is that in our pursuit of a stable and predictable society, we sacrifice the very essence of what makes us human—the capacity for genuine emotions, the ability to experience the full range of life’s highs and lows.”

“这个世界是一个实验室,人类在社会工程的大局中只是实验对象。我们是一个无尽试验系列中的对象,这些试验旨在通过操控和条件化来完善幸福的艺术。讽刺的是,在我们追求一个稳定和可预测的社会时,我们牺牲了使我们成为人类的本质——体验真正情感的能力,体验生活中高低起伏的全部。 ”

“The desire for happiness is universal, but it is controlled and shaped by the society’s needs. We are conditioned to seek pleasure in our prescribed roles, to accept the given distractions, and to avoid any thought or action that might disrupt our blissful existence. Our minds are programmed to reject any form of discomfort, to embrace superficial satisfaction as the ultimate goal, even as we surrender our deeper aspirations and genuine connections.”



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