
S01E07 Part05练习素材及答案:

Jolt someone into action:To suddenly force or provoke someone to take immediate action, typically by surprising or shocking them into realizing the urgency of a situation. (促使某人立即行动 —— 通过突然的刺激或震惊,迫使某人立即采取行动,通常是让他们意识到形势的紧迫性。)


The unexpected lawsuit jolted the legal department into action, prompting them to pull their weight and address the matter quickly before the situation spiraled out of control.


The CEO’s resignation jolted the team into action, spurring them to put their heads together and come up with a contingency plan before the company’s future prospects hung by a thread.


The sudden market crash jolted the board into action, forcing them to stop dragging their feet and address the company’s vulnerabilities, as the consequences were looming large and could no longer be ignored.

Make a beeline for something:To move directly and quickly towards a specific destination or target, without any distractions or detours. (直奔某物 —— 迅速而直接地朝特定的目的地或目标前进,不受其他事物的干扰或绕道。)


At the networking event, John made a beeline for the CEO, determined to rub elbows with the decision-makers and plant the seed for a future collaboration.


When the party started, the kids made a beeline for the dessert table, their eyes as big as saucers as they prepared to dig into the cake and candy before the adults could reel them in.


The moment the doors opened, Sarah made a beeline for the exit, her heart pounding as she realized she had just enough time to catch the last train, while her colleagues lagged behind discussing trivial matters.

Cut through the noise:it refers to the ability to stand out or make a significant impact amidst a lot of distractions, competing information, or general clutter. It means getting to the heart of an issue or message in a clear, effective way, often when there’s a lot of irrelevant or overwhelming information. (在众多干扰、竞争信息或一般的杂音中脱颖而出或产生重大影响的能力。这意味着在面对大量不相关或令人不知所措的信息时,能够直达问题或信息的核心,并以清晰、有效的方式表达。)


The documentary’s powerful storytelling helped it cut through the noise of countless streaming options, resonating deeply with viewers and leaving them with food for thought long after it ended.


In the crowded startup scene, having a clear mission and speaking from the heart allowed the new company to cut through the noise, capturing the attention of investors and securing the lion’s share of funding.


In a world flooded with ads, companies that focus on delivering authentic value can cut through the noise and strike a chord with consumers, ensuring their message isn’t lost in the shuffle.

今日引语推荐(The Moon and Sixpence)

“Ambition is a cruel master, demanding everything and giving little in return. It drives men to climb higher, but the higher they climb, the lonelier the view becomes. The more they achieve, the more they are haunted by the specter of what they have left behind—the people, the love, the simple pleasures that are sacrificed on the altar of success. In the end, they are left with the hollow echo of their accomplishments and a life full of emptiness.”


“Life is so extraordinarily full of contradictions. Every man is like the moon: he has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. It is this hidden self, buried deep within, that often drives our desires and ambitions, like a moth drawn to the flame. We chase after the glitter of material success—the sixpence—yet in doing so, we often miss the beauty and mystery of the moon. The real art of living lies in balancing the two, without losing ourselves to either.”



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