
S01E07 Part06练习素材及答案:

Have designs on someone or sth:it means to plan or intend to gain control, possession, or influence over someone or something, often with selfish or hidden motives. This phrase can imply scheming or plotting to achieve personal goals. (意思是计划或意图获得对某人或某事物的控制、占有或影响,通常带有自私或隐藏的动机。这一短语可能暗示为实现个人目标而进行的阴谋或策划。)


Sarah had her eyes on the prize, and it was clear she had designs on the CEO’s position, despite everyone thinking she’d stay under the radar.


She bided her time at the firm, carefully climbing the ranks, but it was obvious she had designs on the top leadership, using every opportunity to rub shoulders with the decision-makers.


The investors played their cards so close to the chest, but it was only a matter of time before their true intentions became clear: they had designs on the struggling company, hoping to swoop in and acquire it for pennies on the dollar.

One hell of a story:it refers to an extraordinary, intense, or extremely impressive story—often filled with dramatic or surprising events. It’s an informal way of saying that a story is exceptionally noteworthy or unbelievable. (意思是一个非常了不起、引人入胜或充满戏剧性的故事,通常伴随着令人难忘的事件或曲折。这个短语用来强调故事的非凡和难忘。)


It was one hell of a story, complete with unexpected detours, betrayals that hit below the belt, and a finale that left a bitter taste in everyone’s mouth.


He spun one hell of a story, filled with twists and turns that had everyone on the edge of their seats, and by the end, it was hard to tell if he was just pulling our leg or speaking the truth.


After everything they’ve been through, their survival tale is one hell of a story, with moments that defied the odds and a journey that could easily knock the wind out of even the bravest.

Keep things on an even keel:it means to maintain stability, calm, and balance in a situation, preventing it from becoming chaotic or turbulent. It’s often used when someone wants to avoid drama or conflict and ensure everything runs smoothly. (意思是保持事情的稳定、冷静和平衡,防止情况变得混乱或失控。通常用于指某人在避免戏剧性冲突或纠纷时,确保一切顺利进行。)


To keep the company on an even keel, the CEO had to weather the ups and downs while making sure her employees didn’t jump ship or let their enthusiasm fizzle out.


Amidst all the chaos, she managed to keep things on an even keel, ensuring that no one lost their cool and that everyone stayed in sync despite the unexpected changes.


Even with the project deadlines looming, his ability to keep things on an even keel ensured that the team didn’t go off the rails, and their efforts bore fruit without any unnecessary tension.

今日引语推荐(The Moon and Sixpence)

“We spend our lives searching for meaning, hoping that in our pursuit of purpose, we will find peace. But the truth is, meaning is not something to be found; it is something we create. We shape our lives through the choices we make, and it is in those choices that we give our lives meaning. The journey is not about discovering some hidden truth, but about realizing that we hold the power to define our own existence.”


“Love is not a possession to be hoarded, nor is it a transaction to be negotiated. It is a flame that burns brightly, but like all flames, it needs air to breathe and space to grow. The more we try to control or confine it, the more we suffocate its brilliance. True love is not about holding on tightly, but about giving each other the freedom to be who they are, and in that freedom, finding the deepest connection.”



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