
S01E07 Part07 练习素材及答案:

Tiptoed through the minefield:it is used metaphorically to describe handling a delicate or dangerous situation cautiously, as if navigating through a literal minefield where any wrong step could result in disaster. (来形容谨慎处理危险或敏感的局面,就像在穿越充满地雷的地带,一步错都可能导致灾难。)


She tiptoed through the minefield of their strained relationship, hoping to bury the hatchet while avoiding sensitive topics that could stir up a hornet’s nest.


He tiptoed through the minefield of office politics, trying not to ruffle any feathers or step on anyone’s toes, fully aware that one wrong move could open Pandora’s box of conflicts.


The CEO had to tiptoe through the minefield of stakeholder expectations, carefully threading the needle between profits and ethics, knowing one wrong decision could let the cat out of the bag.

Get a word in edgewise:This phrase means to attempt to speak or make a comment in a conversation dominated by someone else, often where it’s difficult to interject due to the other person’s continuous talking. (指的是在一个被他人连续谈话主导的对话中,努力试图插话或发表意见。)


With her boss dominating the conversation, she barely managed to get a word in edgewise, trying to drive home her point amidst the overwhelming chatter.


The meeting was so chaotic that I couldn’t even get a word in edgewise to voice my concerns, as everyone seemed determined to steal the spotlight.


During the heated debate, no one could get a word in edgewise, as the politician spoke at length, leaving others to merely nod along.

Wrap one’s head around something:it  means to comprehend or understand something that is complex, difficult, or confusing. It implies making a mental effort to grasp an idea or concept that doesn’t come easily at first. (指理解或弄清楚某件复杂、困难或令人困惑的事。它意味着需要努力去掌握一个最初并不容易理解的概念或想法。)


Trying to wrap my head around quantum physics is like navigating through a maze—I feel as if I’m chasing my own tail, unable to connect the dots and piece everything together.


She struggled to wrap her head around the intricate legal issues, especially when the attorneys seemed to talk in circles and dance around the real questions, leaving her feeling completely out of her depth.


It took him weeks to wrap his head around the new strategy, as he tried to sift through all the details and make sense of the jargon that constantly flew over his head.

今日引语推荐(The Wings of the Dove)

“The weight of unspoken words hung between them, a burden too great to bear, yet too delicate to release, filling the space with a silence that screamed of their shared pain. The silence between them was not absence but presence, a force that held them in place, as if the weight of their unspoken emotions tethered them to the moment, neither able to move forward nor let go.”


“Her feelings, once tightly controlled and hidden, now seemed to overflow, spilling into every interaction, every glance, every word left unsaid. It was not just that she loved; it was that her love had become an unbearable weight, a force that pressed down on her with the full power of all her unspoken desires and fears. She felt, more than ever, the chasm between what she longed for and what she could have, and in that gap lay the entirety of her suffering.”



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