S01E08 Part02练习素材及答案:

Scrape the bottom of the barrel:to use whatever is left, often of poor quality, because all other options or resources have been exhausted. (退而求其次:所有其他选择或资源都已用尽,不得不使用剩下的、不太理想的东西。)

Origin:The phrase “scrape the bottom of the barrel” originates from the practice of storing food, particularly pickled or preserved items, in barrels. As the supply diminished, one would have to scrape the very bottom to get the last bits, which were often of poorer quality. Over time, this phrase evolved to metaphorically describe a situation where only the least desirable options remain, implying a decline in quality.



After a crappy day at work, she tried to blow off steam, but ended up adding fuel to the fire when she accidentally put her foot in her mouth during a heated argument.


The hotel’s crappy service had the guests bending over backwards just to get basic amenities, leaving them to scrape the bottom of the barrel when it came to comfort, despite the fancy facade.


Despite their best efforts, the team delivered a crappy presentation, forcing the manager to grasp at straws, smooth over the rough edges, and sugarcoat the situation to avoid a complete disaster.

On one’s last nerves:it refers to a state of heightened exasperation, where one’s patience is all but depleted, teetering on the edge of emotional or mental exhaustion.  (该短语意指一种高度的烦躁状态,耐心几乎耗尽,情绪或精神接近崩溃的边缘。)


After hours of enduring his constant provocations and thinly veiled criticism, she could feel her resolve eroding, her mind reaching the breaking point, as she was unmistakably on her last nerves.


As the day unfolded with unceasing demands and unforeseen complications, her composure began to waver, and by the evening, every trivial disruption frayed her already fragile patience, leaving her on her last nerves.


The tension in the boardroom was palpable; with each fruitless discussion and perpetual indecision, the entire team found themselves on the precipice of collapse, collectively on their last nerves, longing for resolution.

Lull someone into something:it refers to subtly creating a false sense of security or comfort, often causing the person to let their guard down or to be misled before an unexpected or adverse outcome. It usually carries a connotation of calm deception or misleading ease. (巧妙地创造出一种虚假的安全感或舒适感,常常导致某人放松警惕或被误导,直至一个意想不到或不利的结果出现。通常带有一种平静欺骗或引导人放松的含义。)


The serene atmosphere of the countryside lulled them into a false sense of security, unaware that the storm looming on the horizon would soon disrupt their peace.


His charming smile and polite demeanor lulled her into believing he was trustworthy, but beneath the surface, his intentions were anything but as pure as they seemed.


The routine hum of daily life lulled him into a dangerous comfort, making him blind to the storm brewing in the distance, one that would soon upend his carefully crafted world.

今日引语推荐(Never let me go)

“In the quiet moments between our laughter and our tears, we come to understand the fragility of our existence. Each shared glance, each whispered secret, weaves an unbreakable bond, reminding us that it is not the length of our days that defines us, but the depth of our connections. We live in the echo of memories, shaping our identities through the love we give and receive, forever entwined in the tapestry of each other’s lives, making every fleeting moment a treasure to hold close.”


“Memory, like a fragile thread, binds us to our past and shapes our present. In the act of remembrance, we find solace, re-experiencing the warmth of love and the sting of loss. Each recollection is a treasure, a reminder of who we are and what we’ve shared. As we sift through the sands of time, we learn that it is in the delicate interplay of joy and sorrow that we truly come alive, crafting a narrative that is uniquely our own, rich with the hues of our experiences.”



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