DH S01E17 Part01-02练习及答案:
Come to a screeching point:This phrase describes a sudden and dramatic stop in movement or progress, usually caused by an unexpected interruption or obstacle. (这个短语描述了某事突然且剧烈地停止,通常是由于意外的干扰或障碍。)
The new business venture came to a screeching halt after a key partner pulled out, forcing the remaining team to pick up the slack, take the high road, and look for greener pastures to salvage their investment.
The meticulously planned marketing campaign came to a screeching halt when a competitor launched a similar product, forcing the marketing team to go back to the drawing board, paint outside the lines, and pull a rabbit out of the hat to differentiate their offering.
The new software launch came to a screeching halt when an unanticipated bug caused system-wide errors, prompting the developers to go back to the drawing board, keep a level head, and fix the problem at the root before relaunching.
Take the world by the storm:it means to achieve widespread success or popularity in an extremely short amount of time, often in an unexpected or dramatic manner. (在短时间内意外地获得巨大的成功或流行,通常是以一种吸引大量关注的方式。)
The viral video, featuring an unexpected collaboration, took the world by storm, causing social media to explode, leaving users to share their two cents, celebrities to jump on the bandwagon, and viewers to hold their breath for what would happen next.
The groundbreaking tech startup took the world by storm after launching its innovative product, prompting competitors to raise the stakes, the media to jump on the bandwagon, and investors to throw their weight behind the company.
The young artist’s debut album took the world by storm, skyrocketing to the top of the charts, leaving critics to eat their words, fans to stand in awe, and industry experts to keep their fingers crossed for her next move.
Send something up in flames:it means to destroy or ruin something completely, often through an impulsive or careless action. It can also refer to causing something to fail dramatically, usually when things go wrong unexpectedly. (彻底摧毁或毁坏某物,通常是通过冲动或不小心的行为。它也可以指导致某事戏剧性失败,通常是在事情意外出错时。)
The tech startup’s attempt to enter the crowded market sent their plans up in flames, causing investors to jump ship, the founders were backed into a corner, and the team racked their brain for a fresh strategy.
His reckless behavior at the company retreat sent everything up in flames, causing the HR department to have their hands full, the team to circle the wagons, and management to lay down the law to prevent future incidents.
The CEO’s rash decision to bypass crucial safety protocols sent the project up in flames, leaving the team to scrap the script, blaze a trail, they’re now moving heaven and earth in an effort to recover from the costly mistake.
今日引语推荐(Gone with the wind)
“It was only in the quiet aftermath of the storm, when the winds had ceased and the dust had settled, that she could finally see the truth that had eluded her all along: that in the pursuit of success, in the clamor [‘klæmə] for approval, she had forgotten what truly mattered. The truth was never in the accolades, nor in the money or the possessions. It was in the relationships she had nurtured, in the love she had given, in the quiet moments of peace that allowed her to breathe freely and remember who she was.”
“They had often laughed at the absurdity of fate, at how life seemed to mock their plans, sending them down roads they never chose, making them face enemies they never saw coming, and sometimes, even forcing them to make sacrifices they thought they could never make. But now, with the weight of those experiences resting on their shoulders, they had come to understand that, in truth, those very trials, the hardships that seemed insurmountable [ˌɪnsə’maʊntəbl], had shaped them into who they were—stronger, wiser, and somehow, more human.”
DH S01E17 Part03-04练习及答案:
Have dibs on something: it means to claim a right or priority over a person or object, often informally or playfully. It is commonly used to express the idea of reserving or securing something before others can take it. (对某人或某物的优先权或所有权,通常以非正式或开玩笑的方式表达。这一短语常用于表明在他人之前“预定”或“保留”某物。)
During the estate sale, he confidently proclaimed that he had dibs on the grandfather clock, leaving others scrambling for crumbs while he reveled in his ability to strike while the iron was hot, showcasing his keen eye for treasure.
When the rare first edition of the novel was brought into the shop, the collector immediately exclaimed, “I have dibs on that!”, leaving the rest of the group to eat their hearts out, knowing his sharp eye for value always gave him the upper hand.
The brothers often locked horns over trivial matters, but this time, one declared dibs on the last piece of cake, sparking a spirited argument where phrases like “finders keepers” and “possession is nine-tenths of the law” flew across the table.
Up a creek without a paddle:it means to be in a difficult, challenging, or hopeless situation with no clear solution or means of escape. The phrase conveys a sense of being stranded or helpless in the face of adversity. (身处困难、具有挑战性或无助的境地,且没有明确的解决方案或脱困方法。这个短语传达了在逆境中感到孤立无援的状态。)
When the evidence turned against him, he was up a creek without a paddle, scrambling to save face, but every attempt to shift the blame or spin the narrative only deepened the mire he had created.
After the company’s unexpected bankruptcy, the employees found themselves up a creek without a paddle, trying to salvage their livelihoods while the executives washed their hands of the mess, leaving them to carry the weight of shattered dreams alone.
With no backup plan and dwindling resources, they were well and truly up a creek without a paddle, their efforts to turn back the clock proving futile as the project spiraled out of control, and their partners began pulling the plug on their once-shared vision.
Blow up in one’s face:A plan, effort, or situation to fail disastrously or unexpectedly, often causing harm, embarrassment, or negative consequences for the person involved. (某件事或计划出人意料地失败,通常以戏剧性或灾难性的方式发生,给相关人员带来尴尬或损害。)
Their secret deal blew up in their faces when the media caught wind of it, causing the scandal to snowball out of control. Now, the once-powerful duo finds themselves under the microscope, struggling to keep the wolves at bay.
The experiment blew up in their faces when an unexpected chemical reaction occurred, turning the lab into a scene of chaos. Their confidence, once riding high, crumbled as the team faced a sobering reality: their overconfidence had been their Achilles’ heel.
His strategy to undermine the competition blew up in his face when a whistleblower revealed his actions. While attempting to damage others, he ended up shooting himself in the foot, tarnishing his reputation and finding himself in a web of consequences.
今日引语推荐(Gone with the wind)
“In the quiet of the night, when the world falls still and all the noise of the day fades into the background, you begin to understand something profound about yourself—that beneath the facades we carefully construct, beneath the personas we wear to fit in, there lies a vulnerability, a rawness, that defines us. It is this truth, uncomfortable as it may be, that when acknowledged and embraced, allows us to break free from the prison of our own making and live more authentically.”
“There are moments in life when the storms that rage within us seem far more terrifying than anything that might come from the outside world; when our own fears, insecurities, and doubts form such a tempest that we lose sight of the simple truth that, in the end, we are stronger than we think. It is in those moments, when everything seems to fall apart, that we must remind ourselves that the very things that seem to be our undoing are often the catalysts for our greatest transformation.”
DH S01E17 Part05-06练习及答案:
A lip service: it refers to verbal expressions of support, agreement, or commitment that lack sincerity or follow-through. It often describes insincere promises or declarations made to appease others or maintain appearances without genuine intent to act. (口头承诺 —— 过语言表达的支持、同意或承诺,但缺乏真诚或行动。这通常用来描述虚假的承诺或声明,其目的是取悦他人或维持表面形象,而没有真正的执行意图。)
His lip service to workplace equality was little more than window dressing, a hollow attempt to tick all the boxes without addressing the elephant in the room—the gender pay gap.
The politician offered lip service to environmental reforms, delivering speeches that painted a rosy picture of change. Yet his actions proved he was merely paying heed to the gallery, leaving advocates feeling left out in the cold.
Her boss gave lip service to the idea of promoting equality in the workplace, making promises that seemed cover all the bases. Employees quickly realized it was just another case of empty promises, as the policies implemented turned out to be a drop in the bucket.
Upset the apple cart: it means to cause disruption or to spoil carefully laid plans, often unintentionally. It typically describes an action or event that disturbs the status quo or creates chaos in a well-ordered situation. (造成混乱或破坏精心制定的计划,通常是无意的。这种说法常用来形容某种行动或事件扰乱了现状,或在有序的环境中制造了混乱。)
His abrupt resignation upset the apple cart, leaving the board to pick up the slack while the company’s rivals smelled blood in the water and strategized to make a power grab.
The mayor’s decision to increase taxes upset the apple cart in the small town, with critics offering only lip service to reforms, as tensions bubbled under the surface, threatening to boil over into protests.
The unexpected merger upset the apple cart, leaving employees feeling like pawns in a chess game, as corporate executives paid lip service to transparency while plotting moves that would throw the dice on their futures.
Tilt at windmills:it means to engage in futile or imaginary battles against perceived problems or enemies, often as a result of misjudgment or exaggerated idealism. The phrase originates from Miguel de Cervantes’ novel Don Quixote, where the protagonist mistakenly attacks windmills, thinking they are giants. (与想象中的敌人或无意义的问题战斗,通常源于误判或过度理想主义。该短语起源于塞万提斯的小说《堂吉诃德》,书中主人公错误地将风车当作巨人攻击。)
The board’s insistence on fighting irrelevant lawsuits felt like tilting at windmills, wasting time beating a dead horse, while failing to see the forest for the trees and to make the most of all the resources at their disposal.
She devoted herself to tilting at windmills, championing the forgotten art of calligraphy, a cause dismissed by many as water under the bridge, but her passion was unyielding, striving to ignite the embers of tradition and breathe new life into a fading craft.
The poet’s battle against modern apathy felt like tilting at windmills, her verses a desperate attempt to light a candle in the dark, but they only seemed to fall on barren ground, with critics determined to clip her wings.
今日引语推荐(Of human bandage)
“There are times when a man’s heart is so full of longing that it makes no difference what he knows or what he doesn’t know; his mind, all agitated and confused, will reach out for that one thing that seems to hold the key to his desires, and it is in that moment that he is both the prisoner and the captor of his own emotions, caught between his ideals and the harsh reality of his desires, never understanding that the struggle within him is the true bondage.”
“To be free, one must first surrender, not to another, but to oneself, for how can a man know the boundaries of his freedom if he has not first acknowledged the invisible chains that bind him? It is only in the moment of surrender that the heart finds its true release, for only then can we see that the greatest bondage is not the outward circumstance, but the invisible, unacknowledged constraints of our own making that imprison us from within.”