DH S01E21 Part01-02练习及答案:
Lay something on the line:to put something valuable or important at risk, such as one’s reputation, resources, or emotions, often with candor or boldness, to achieve a goal or make a point clear.
She laid her pride on the line to win their trust, baring her soul in a trembling voice, going for broke with unguarded truth, treading the wire before their judgment, and winning the day with raw sincerity.
He laid his career on the line for the project, putting his neck out to back the plan, riding the whirlwind of corporate stakes, showing his hand with fearless resolve, and coming out on top against the odds.
They laid their savings on the line for the venture, throwing caution aside in a leap of faith, hanging in the balance as markets swayed, betting the farm on a single dream, and reaping the harvest when fortunes turned.
Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve:it means to openly display or express one’s emotions, feelings, or affections, making them plainly visible to others without restraint or concealment. (意指公开地展示或表达一个人的情感、感情或喜爱,不加掩饰地让他人清楚看见。)
She wore her heart on her sleeve during the farewell, spilling her guts in tearful words, letting it all hang out with no reserve, wearing her soul thin from tender grief, and pouring oil on the waters to soothe the crowd.
He wore his heart on his sleeve at the reunion, laying it all bare with joyous laughter, flying his colors in every embrace, giving free rein to his delight, and lighting up the room with unguarded warmth.
Wearing her heart on her sleeve, she faced the critique, blowing her own horn with quiet pride, wearing her badge of passion boldly, leaving no doubt in her fervent plea, and setting the tone with earnest fire.
Look over one’ shoulder:it means to be wary, anxious, or suspicious, often checking behind oneself either literally or figuratively, due to fear of being followed, watched, or surpassed, reflecting a state of caution or paranoia.. ( 因担心被人跟踪、监视或超过而保持警惕或不安,常通过字面或比喻性地回头察看,体现出一种小心翼翼甚至略带偏执妄想的心态。)
She looked over her shoulder as dusk fell, jumping at shadows in the dim light, keeping her guard up against unseen foes, walking a tightrope of nerves, and dodging the spotlight to stay unseen.
He looked over his shoulder while climbing the ranks, watching his back amid rival whispers, playing it close with every step, sweating bullets under pressure, and staying one jump ahead of the competition.
They looked over their shoulders crossing the border, feeling the heat of unseen eyes, treading lightly through the silence, holding their breath in tense quiet, and slipping the noose of pursuit’s grasp.
今日引语推荐(Gone with the wind)
“Beneath the smoldering ruins of a civilization that once crowned itself with magnolia blossoms and moonlight, I discovered that the human spirit, much like the stubborn red clay of Georgia, cannot be tamed by fire or sword; it bends only to the relentless rhythm of its own indomitable [ɪn’dɒmɪtəbl] will, whispering through the ashes: ‘What is broken may yet rise, not as it was, but as it must become.”
“在一片曾以木兰与月光为冠的文明的灼热废墟下,我发现人的精神如同佐治亚州顽固的红黏土,无法被火焰或刀剑驯服;它只屈服于自身不屈意志的循环往复,在灰烬中低语: “破碎的仍可崛起,不复从前,却必成其该成之形。”
“Love, that fickle thief, dances not with roses but with razor blades; it cuts deeper when clutched too tightly. Yet, even as it bleeds us dry, we chase its ghost through the ruins of our hearts, for to have loved and burned is sweeter than to have warmed oneself by the pale, safe embers of regret.”
DH S01E20 Part03-04练习及答案:
Stir the Blood with Something:to awaken a profound surge of emotion, exhilaration, or fervor within an individual, often through an encounter or sensation of remarkable depth. It speaks to an experience that quickens the pulse with a refined yet potent allure. (指通过一次非凡深度的际遇或感受,唤醒一个人内心深处的情感、兴奋或热情的涌动。它描述的是一种带有精致却强烈吸引力的体验,让人脉搏加速。)
The poet’s verses cast a spell, drew the curtain on mundane thoughts, set tongues wagging, and stirred the blood with their velvet touch of timeless grace.
Her gala performance stole the show, raised the bar with elegance, swept us off our feet, and stirred the blood with its quiet storm of artistic brilliance.
Raise the roof with something:to generate an exuberant, uproarious reaction or atmosphere, typically through noise, energy, or celebration, so intense that it feels as though the very structure might lift from the fervor. (意指通过噪音、能量或庆祝活动制造出一种狂热而喧闹的反应或氛围,其强度之高仿佛能将建筑本身从热情中掀起。)
1 、这支乐队的返场表演点亮了舞台,恰到好处地抓住了观众的心,激起了热烈的反响,以其令人兴奋的节奏和大胆激昂的高潮将现场气氛推向了顶点。
The band’s encore [‘ɒŋkɔː(r)] lit the stage, hit the sweet spot, sent sparks flying, and raised the roof with its bold crescendo [krə’ʃendəʊ] of electrifying rhythms.
Her witty toast stole the limelight, rang the chimes of laughter, set hearts racing, and raised the roof with its bright flourish of charm and grace.
The festival’s finale kicked the door open, turned the heat up, blew the lid off, and raised the roof with its vivid burst of color and sound.
Shake the Rafters with Something:to unleash a formidable, resonant force—be it through sound, sentiment, or deed—that reverberates with such vigor as to seemingly rattle the very framework of a place.(释放出一种强大而共鸣的力量——无论是通过声音、情感还是行为——其活力之强仿佛能撼动场所的结构本身。它唤起一种引人注目的强烈感,抓住感官并在空气中回荡。)
The orchestra’s finale commanded the stage, hit the high notes, brought the roof down, and shook the rafters with its tidal surge of exquisite harmony.
The crowd’s roars lit the fuse, cranked the volume, sent chills down the spine, and shook the rafters with their thunderous wave of unrestrained fervor.
His eloquent address was right on cue , rang the bell of veracity [və’ræsəti], set the room abuzz, and shook the rafters with its vibrant thread of unwavering resolve.
今日引语推荐(House of cards)
“Ambition is a double-edged sword—it carves paths through mountains of opposition but leaves scars on the soul that wields it. Yet, what is a scar but a testament to survival? A reminder that every summit reached was once an insurmountable peak, every victory a battle fought in the shadows of doubt. Let them call you ruthless; let them name you cruel. History remembers not the gentle hand but the iron will that shaped its course.”
“野心是双刃剑——劈开反对之山,却于执剑之魂留下伤痕。然伤痕何尝非生存之证?提醒我们每座巅峰曾是不可逾越之山,每次胜利曾是疑惧阴影中的鏖 (áo) 战。任人斥你无情,讽你残忍。历史铭记非温柔之手,乃铸就其进程的铁血意志。”
“Power is a flame that illuminates the path of the bold but burns the hands of the timid. To wield it, you must become both the fire and the shield—relentless in ambition yet unyielding to fear. The world bows not to those who wait for permission, but to those who carve their throne from the rubble of doubt. History is written by the victors, but rewritten by the relentless. To etch your name into eternity, you must first shatter the chisel of convention. Let them call you ruthless; better a storm than a footnote.”
“Power is not a golden crown to be worn in triumph, but a double-edged blade forged in the fires of ambition. It carves paths through the suffocating thicket of doubt, yet leaves scars on the palms of the hesitant. The wise understand this paradox: to rule is not to luxuriate in the fleeting warmth of adoration, but to master the art of silent strikes—where shadows whisper strategies, smiles veil calculated risks, and every ally is a pawn awaiting sacrifice. In this game, victory belongs not to the loudest voice, but to the mind that turns chaos into choreography.”
“The art of leadership is not in building castles but in burying skeletons. Every brick of influence is mortared with secrets, every corridor echoes with unspoken alliances. To reign is to dance on a tightrope strung over an abyss—graceful to the crowd, yet acutely aware that one misstep plunges you into oblivion. Remember: crowns gleam brightest when polished with the sweat of those who believe your lies.”
DH S01E21 Part05-06练习及答案:
Send chills down one’s spine:to provoke an exquisite, almost electric sensation of awe, trepidation, or exhilaration that ripples through one’s being, often manifesting as a delicate shiver along the spine. (意指激发一种精致而近乎电流般的敬畏、恐惧或兴奋感,这种感觉在人全身荡漾,常常表现为沿脊椎的细微颤抖。)
The painting’s unveil seized the gaze, unfurled a hush, touched the sublime, and sent chills down our spines with its intricate bloom of shadowed elegance.
The symphony’s crescendo cast an aura, wove a tapestry of sound, held the air captive, and sent chills down our spines with its ethereal swell of haunting beauty.
Her enigmatic words carved a silence, lit a subtle glow, stirred the depths, and sent chills down my spine with their velvet whisper of profound mystery.
Throwing Someone Off Kilter:to unsettle or disorient a person, disrupting their usual balance, composure, or sense of stability. It implies a sudden shift that leaves someone feeling off-balance or out of sorts, often due to surprise or confusion. (意指使一个人感到不安或迷失方向,打乱他们惯常的平衡、镇定或稳定感。它暗示一种突然的改变,让人感到失衡或不适,通常是由于惊讶或困惑。相关成语如:方寸大乱)
His veiled allusion cast a shimmer, unraveled the thread, sent my musings astray, and threw me off kilter with its delicate sting of elusive meaning.
The sudden detour fractured the rhythm, stirred the stillness, left me unmoored, and threw her off kilter with its subtle clash of elegant chaos.
Their artful gambit shifted the currents, rippled the surface, caught me unawares, and threw him off kilter with its graceful thrust of quiet brilliance.
To set one’s heart/pulse racing:to trigger an intense burst of excitement, anxiety, or exhilaration in an individual, causing a noticeable quickening of their heartbeat. It refers to a personal, visceral reaction to something thrilling, alarming, or deeply stirring.(意指在一个人内心引发强烈兴奋、焦虑或激动的爆发,导致他们心跳明显加快。它指的是对某件激动人心、令人不安或深深触动的事物的个人、直觉反应。)
Her enigmatic [ˌenɪɡ’mætɪk] smile carved the silence, stirred the embers, shifted the axis, and set my pulse racing with its velvet gleam of unspoken allure.
The opera’s crescendo [krə’ʃendəʊ] wove a spell, unleashed a torrent, stilled the room, and set my heart racing with its luminous [‘luːmɪnəs] cascade of transcendent notes.
The duel’s climax cast a shadow, fanned the tension, etched the air, and set her heart racing with its intricate flourish of poised danger.
今日引语推荐(House of cards)
“Love is a duel fought with whispered promises and silent withdrawals. It thrives not in grand gestures but in the fragile space between ‘I need you’ and ‘I fear you.’ Marriage is a treaty signed in invisible ink. Its clauses fade with time, rewritten by compromise, resentment, or the quiet grace of forgiveness. The strongest unions are not those without battles, but those where both sides lay down arms to tend the no-man’s-land between their hearts.”
“Loneliness is the uninvited guest who teaches you the language of your own soul. It strips away the noise of crowds, leaving you stranded in a desert of. Yet in that arid expanse, you unearth reservoirs of courage—for only the truly alone discover how vast their spirit can stretch. Dreams are compasses calibrated to the magnetic pull of madness. They point not toward safe harbors but to shipwrecks where treasure and ruin lie entwined. Follow them anyway—for even broken maps lead to undiscovered shores, and the greatest tragedy is to die with your sails furled, fearing the weight of your own horizon. ”