
Desperate Housewives Narrator Mary Alice Young

DH S01E22 Part01-02练习及答案:

Fall head over heels:to evoke a sudden, intense feeling of awe, fear, or excitement that courses through a person, often physically felt as a shiver or tingle along the back. (意指突然陷入一种强烈的情感状态,通常是迷恋、激情或陶醉,仿佛在压倒性情感的掌控中失去了立足之地。它传达了一种感情的旋风,通常是浪漫的,以热烈的喜悦将人完全席卷。)

Her radiant laugh cast an enchantment, unveiled a luster, swept me into reverie, and I fell head over heels with its luminous cascade of unadulterated bliss.

Their dance imbued the air with grace, recalibrated my compass, ignited a quiet flame, and she fell head over heels with its refined rhythm of harmonious splendor.

The moment he spoke captured my attention, kindled a fervor, sent my senses aloft, and I fell head over heels with his subtle allure of poised eloquence.

Lick one’s chops:to eagerly anticipate or relish the prospect of something enjoyable, often with a sense of greed or excitement, like savoring a meal or opportunity ahead, derived from animals licking their lips before eating. (舔嘴唇:意指对某件令人愉悦的事物表现出急切的期待或享受,通常带着贪婪或兴奋的感觉,如在享用美食或迎接机会前,源自动物进食前舔唇的动作。)

They licked their chops at the deal’s close, counting chickens of future gains, whetting appetites for profit’s feast, jumping the gun with eager plans, and toasting the stars of their bold coup [kuː].

He licked his chops over the promotion news, smelling the roses of his triumph, gearing up for greater stakes, tasting victory in the air, and riding high on ambition’s crest.

She licked her chops at the lavish buffet, rubbing her hands in gleeful hunger, eyeing the prize of every dish, champing at the bit to dive in, and savoring the moment with a grin.

Ride the wave:to gracefully harness the momentum of a favorable circumstance, trend, or surge of energy, navigating it with finesse to maximize its benefits. It implies a confident, adaptive response to an unfolding opportunity, often with a sense of exhilaration or mastery.(优雅地驾驭有利情势、趋势或能量涌动的势头,以娴熟的技巧导航以最大化其益处。它暗示对正在展开的机会做出自信而灵活的反应,通常带有一种兴奋或掌控感。相关成语:乘风破浪、趁势而起)

She claimed the stage, channeled the tide, glided on currents, and rode the wave with her luminous [‘luːmɪnəs] poise of impeccable artistry.

His shrewd vision carved the way, captured the flux, guided the drift, and rode the wave with its refined arc of intellectual daring.

They seized the ether, orchestrated the swell, crowned the surge, and rode the wave with their exquisite flourish of synchronized brilliance.

今日引语推荐(The known world)

“People live with the illusion of choice, unaware that the paths they walk were laid out long before their feet ever touched the earth. They believe they are free to choose their destiny, yet their choices are often shaped by forces beyond their control, by the shadows of history that linger in the air. To break free, one must first understand the chains that bind them — and the strength it takes to shatter them.”


“In a world where the lines between right and wrong are often blurred, true freedom cannot be bought or traded; it must be fought for, earned through struggle. And yet, the cost of freedom is often paid not by the one who is liberated, but by those who dared to seek it. This is the paradox of existence — the very idea of liberty can be a chain for someone else, a question unanswered as the world keeps spinning in circles of repetition.”


DH S01E22 Part03-04练习及答案:

Pump the brakes: to slow down or pause an action, process, or situation deliberately, often to regain control, reassess, or prevent escalation. It suggests a measured, cautious adjustment rather than an abrupt stop, akin to tapping a brake pedal to moderate speed. (意指故意放慢或暂停一个行动、进程或局面,通常是为了重新掌控、重新评估或防止事态升级。它暗示一种有分寸的、谨慎的调整,而非突然停止,类似于轻踩刹车踏板以调节速度。)

When tensions flared, she dialed the heat down, eased the throttle [‘θrɒtl] , turned the dial, and pumped the brakes with her calm touch of steady reason.

The debate fanned the embers, cranked the noise, fueled the fray, until they pumped the brakes with a swift pivot to cooler heads.

His wild plan set the wheels spinning, ramped the pace, stirred the chaos, so I pumped the brakes with a firm nudge of careful restraint.

Smooth the edges of something:to refine or soften the imperfections, harshness, or awkward aspects of a situation, object, or behavior, making it more polished, agreeable, or manageable. (改善或柔化某个情境、物体或行为的瑕疵、尖锐或笨拙之处,使其更加精致、宜人或易于处理。)

Her tactful words eased the sting, softened the blow, mended the rift, and smoothed the rough edges of the dispute with a gentle touch of diplomacy.

Their compromise closed the divide, settled the dust, leveled the field, and smoothed the rough edges of the plan with a steady hand of mutual respect.

His revisions polished the gem, ironed the wrinkles, tamed the beast, and smoothed the rough edges of the draft with a keen eye for detail.

Tip one’s cap to something:to offer a refined gesture of esteem, reverence, or recognition toward an individual, accomplishment, or virtue, often with an air of gracious deference. (意指以优雅的姿态向一个人、成就或美德表达敬意、尊崇或认可,通常带有谦和的敬仰之情。)

She commanded the sphere, elevated the standard, captivated the gaze, and we tipped our caps to her luminous triumph of unerring elegance.

His subtle tenacity etched a legacy, fortified the resolve, clinched the laurels, so I tipped my cap to his quiet radiance of resolute dignity.

Their synergy unfurled a banner, sealed the accord, struck the chord, and we tipped our caps to their exquisite tapestry of concerted brilliance.

今日引语推荐(The known world)

“A life is not measured by the land you own but by the seeds you plant in others’ hearts. Tend to kindness like a garden in drought; even the smallest bloom can outlast the harshest winter. For what is legacy if not the stories that take root when we are gone?. Hope is a lantern carried through a storm. It flickers, sputters, threatens to die—but each stumble forward proves light needs no certainty to guide. Hold it high enough, and even the lost become beacons for others wandering in the dark.”


“Courage is not a roar but a whisper—the quiet choice to stand when every bone begs to kneel. It lives in the mother who sings lullabies through barred windows, in the child who shares bread despite hunger. These are the unsung revolutions that bend the arc of the world. To forgive is not to forget the wound, but to stop letting its scar dictate your steps. The past may chain your ankles, but the future waits in the rhythm of your breath—a dance only you can begin.”


DH S01E22 Part05-06练习及答案:

Pass the mantle:it means to transfer a role, responsibility, or legacy to another person, often with an implication of entrusting them with leadership, tradition, or a significant duty. It conveys a deliberate handing over of influence or stewardship, typically with a sense of succession or honor. (意指将角色、责任或遗产移交他人,通常带有委托领导权、传统或重要职责的含义。它传达了一种有意的影响力或管理权的交接,通常伴随着继承或尊重的感觉。)

They paved the horizon, sang the anthem, entrusted the helm, and passed the mantle to the collective with an elegant flourish of unified vision.

She cast a beacon, crafted the scene, yielded the scepter, and passed the mantle to him with a refined aura of poised assurance.

His era forged a lineage, hoisted the standard, etched the chronicle, so he passed the mantle to her with a subtle bow of profound esteem.

Pour one’s heart into something:to invest profound emotion, dedication, or creative fervor into a pursuit, endeavor, or expression, infusing it with the essence of one’s soul.(意指将深刻的情感、专注或创造热情投入到一项追求、努力或表达中,使其浸透一个人的灵魂精髓。)

She wove a masterpiece, breathed a spark, lavished the canvas, and poured her heart into the painting with a radiant bloom of artistic devotion.

He sculpted the vision, infused the fervor, etched the dream, and poured his heart into the symphony with a resonant thread of melodic grace.

They kindled the flame, unveiled the soul, crafted the legacy, and poured their hearts into the project with an elegant tide of shared ardor.

Keep one’s flame alive:to sustain an inner spark of passion, hope, or vitality with deliberate care, ensuring that it continues to glow despite challenges or the passage of time.(意指以刻意的关怀维持内心的激情、希望或活力的火花,确保其在挑战或时间流逝中依然闪耀。)

He nursed the spark, shielded the light, carved a haven [‘heɪvn], and kept his flame alive with an elegant whisper of steadfast resolve.

They stoked the hearth, preserved the gleam, sculpted the dream, and kept their flame alive with a graceful current of shared resilience.

She stirred the ashes, cast a shimmer, guarded the glow, and kept her flame alive with a subtle radiance of unyielding spirit.

今日引语推荐(The known world)

“History, like a river, flows forward, yet it is filled with the remnants of those who were swept away by its currents. We remember the names of the victors, the ones who bent history to their will, but what of the forgotten, the silent figures who were cast aside like stones on a riverbank? Their stories are buried, but they shape the path ahead in ways we cannot fully comprehend. Perhaps the true weight of history lies not in what we know, but in what we choose to forget.”


“The tragedy of the world is not in its injustices alone, but in the quiet acceptance of them. We, as a society, have become so accustomed to suffering that we no longer see it for what it is. It is a strange paradox — in our search for meaning, we become numb to the pain that should spur us to action. To change the world, we must first awaken ourselves from this complacency, see the truth that lies before us, and refuse to stand idly by.”



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