DH S01E23 Part01-02练习及答案:
Stock the embers:to gently revive or intensify a fading spark of emotion, enthusiasm, or potential, breathing new life into something that has dimmed but still holds warmth. (意指轻柔地唤醒或增强一种逐渐消退的情感、热情或潜能的火花,为已暗淡但仍保留余温的事物注入新的生命。)
They revived the sheen, sculpted the echo, breathed a fervor, and stoked the embers with a graceful swell of collective zeal [ziːl].
She rekindled the gleam, infused a whisper, unveiled a luster, and stoked the embers with a refined breath of quiet inspiration.
He nurtured the flicker, cast a radiance, wrought a harmony, and stoked the embers with an elegant pulse of steadfast passion.
Rub someone raw:to irritate, exasperate, or emotionally chafe a person through persistent actions, words, or circumstances, wearing down their patience or composure to a tender, vulnerable point. (通过持续的行动、话语或情境激怒、恼怒或情感上磨损一个人,将他们的耐心或镇定削弱到一个脆弱而敏感的地步。)
She unraveled the poise, tugged the thread, scratched the veneer, and rubbed him raw with an elegant barb of pointed indifference.
His ceaseless critique frayed the cord, stirred the embers, pricked the calm, and rubbed her raw with a delicate lash of veiled disdain.
Their sly remarks pierced the hush, ruffled the sheen, grated the silence, and rubbed them raw with a subtle venom of polished sarcasm.
Set something ablaze:to ignite or infuse a situation, object, or emotion with intense energy, passion, or brilliance, causing it to flare up vividly and irresistibly. (意指以强烈的能量、激情或光辉点燃或注入一个情境、物体或情感,使其生动而不可抗拒地燃烧起来。)
He struck a flint, breathed a vigor, wove a brilliance, and set the canvas ablaze with an exquisite flame of creative daring.
Their performance fanned a glow, sculpted a rapture, seized the ether, and set the stage ablaze with a refined blaze of harmonious power.
Her speech cast a torch, unleashed a fervor, gilded the air, and set the room ablaze with a luminous surge of eloquent conviction.
今日引语推荐(The corrections)
“It is the great irony of life that we spend so much time seeking answers, and yet, the more we find, the more questions arise. The world spins with contradictions, the truth becomes a shifting landscape, and clarity becomes a mirage. In the end, we are all searching for meaning in a world that may not be designed to give us any, and in that search, we uncover the deeper layers of ourselves, often in places we least expect. Perhaps it is the search itself that is the meaning.”
“It is an unsettling truth that we often long for the things we cannot have. The unreachable becomes the ideal, and in our pursuit of what lies just beyond our grasp, we lose sight of what is right before us. We turn our backs on the present, believing that happiness lies in the distant future, only to find that time has slipped away, leaving us with nothing but the fading echoes of unfulfilled desires.”
DH S01E23 Part03-04练习及答案:
Lost in the fray:to become overwhelmed, disoriented, or engulfed by the chaos, conflict, or intensity of a situation, losing one’s clarity or presence amid the tumult. (在混乱、冲突或情境的强烈中被压倒、迷失方向或吞没,在喧嚣中失去清晰感或存在感。)
She cast her anchor, sought the stillness, grasped the helm, yet was lost in the fray with a delicate swirl of unrelenting clamor.
He wove a shield, chased the calm, held the thread, but was lost in the fray with an elegant tangle of discordant fervor.
They carved a refuge, stilled the tide, gilded the edge, and still were lost in the fray with a graceful maelstrom of collective unrest.
Leave someoone cold:to fail to evoke any emotional response, enthusiasm, or interest in a person, rendering them unmoved or indifferent. (意指无法在一个人的内心激起任何情感反应、热情或兴趣,使他们无动于衷或漠然。)
Their gesture faded the sheen [ʃiːn], dulled the edge, hushed the thrill, and left them cold with a graceful chill of hollow sentiment.
His speech missed the chord, dimmed the glow, drained the vigor, and left her cold with a subtle void of uninspired prose.
The painting lacked the spark, muted the hue, stilled the pulse, and left him cold with an elegant absence of visceral depth.
Play second fiddle:to occupy a subordinate or less prominent role in relation to someone else, often with an air of understated resignation or subtle discontent. (意指在与他人相比时处于从属或不太显著的角色,通常带有一种低调的顺从或微妙的不满。)
She yielded the spotlight, dimmed her luster, took the sideline, and played second fiddle with a graceful veil of quiet dignity.
He ceded the crown, softened his echo, stepped into shade, and played second fiddle with an elegant murmur of restrained ambition.
They relinquished the helm, muted their blaze, trailed the vanguard, and played second fiddle with a refined poise of collective harmony.
今日引语推荐(The corrections)
“One of the cruelest realities is that the people we most long to understand are often the ones we cannot communicate with. The distance between us and them, so wide and unbridgeable, remains even when we speak the same language. It’s not the words that fail us, but the inability to truly listen, to hear beyond the surface of things. We are, in the end, islands, separated by the invisible forces of our own making, and even love can sometimes be a thin thread we struggle to hold onto.”
“Life’s greatest moments are often the quietest, the ones that escape the frantic clamor of our daily routines. We live in an age where noise is the currency, but it’s in those rare, fleeting silences that the truth of our existence is revealed. For all the noise we’ve made, the real questions remain unspoken, hidden beneath the weight of the demands we’ve placed upon ourselves. Perhaps, in the end, it is not the answers we seek, but the quiet that eludes us, that holds the key to understanding.”
DH S01E23 Part05-06练习及答案:
Whet one’s appetite:to sharpen or stimulate a person’s desire, curiosity, or eagerness for something, often by offering a tantalizing glimpse or taste that heightens anticipation. (意指激发或刺激一个人对某物的欲望、好奇或渴望,通常通过提供一个诱人的片段或滋味来增强期待。)
The preview cast a shimmer, stirred the craving, gilded the promise, and whetted her appetite with a luminous hint of unfolding splendor.
His words kindled a thirst, wove an allure, teased the senses, and whetted my appetite with an elegant whisper of profound insight.
Their artistry unveiled a gleam, fanned the longing, sculpted the urge, and whetted our appetites with a graceful flourish of creative brilliance.
Cast a pall over something:to overshadow or dampen an event, mood, or situation with a sense of gloom, unease, or melancholy, as if draping it in a somber veil. (意指以一种阴郁、不安或忧伤的感觉笼罩或抑制一个事件、情绪或情境,仿佛为其披上了一层阴沉的面纱。)
Her silence stilled the mirth, clouded the glow, draped the moment, and cast a pall over the gathering with an elegant hush of unspoken grief.
The news dimmed the luster, chilled the air, weighed the spirit, and cast a pall over the evening with a muted shroud of unexpected sorrow.
Their departure sapped the warmth, shadowed the gleam, hushed the revelry, and cast a pall over the celebration with a graceful veil of lingering regret.
Rake someone over the coals:to reprimand, criticize, or chastise a person severely, often with an intensity that feels like a scorching ordeal. (意指严厉地责备、批评或训斥一个人,通常带有一种仿佛炙烤般的强烈感。)
His lapse ignited her ire, bared the flaws, seared the calm, and she raked him over the coals with an elegant fury of measured scorn.
They kindled the censure, stripped the veneer, charred the defense, and raked her over the coals with a graceful blaze of collective reproach.
She unleashed a torrent, scalded the pride, flayed the excuse, and raked him over the coals with a polished lash of incisive wit.
今日引语推荐(The corrections)
“To live is to constantly negotiate between what we desire and what we must become. We pretend to be who we are not, just to meet the expectations of those around us. But in the quiet spaces between these performances, we find the truth of our existence. It is here, in those unscripted moments, that we make the greatest corrections—not to our actions, but to our understanding of ourselves. Perhaps the deepest form of freedom is found not in fulfilling others’ wishes, but in giving ourselves permission to simply be.”
“Each correction we make is a form of reconciliation—reconciling ourselves with the choices we’ve made, the lives we’ve led, and the futures we have yet to see. But reconciling is not about erasing the past or rewriting our story. It’s about accepting that the past shapes us, but it does not define us. True reconciliation lies not in perfection, but in the acceptance of our scars, our failures, and our imperfections. It is only in embracing them that we find the strength to move forward.”