
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E02-Part01



1、Tangible substance:(可以看见及触摸到的人与物)——>> Take sth in

(1)、轻而易举拿得动的,通常指食物  (尤指匆忙或随意地)拿、取

E.G.1. I was just about to grab dinner from that motel vending machine. (绝望的主妇:S01E05)
E.G.2. So I was thinking, you wanna grab a coffee or something after class? (绝望的主妇:S03E10)
E.G.3. Hey, listen. Is there a good place we can grab a bite on the way out? (绝望的主妇:S04E10)

(2)、大到一只手拿不动的,通常指人及其身体的部位 (抓住、拉住、接住、捏住)除了有“Take sth in”拿、取的意思之外,它还可以指“held on to sth” (抓住)

E.G.1 Think I won’t get in this pool and just grab you? Get out! (绝望的主妇:S01E01)

E.G.2 Just scooch down a few inches and I’ll grab you. (绝望的主妇:S01E13)

E.G.3 Every time I’m around that man, he tries to grab my ass. (绝望的主妇:S01E01)

(3)、大到无法动摇的 (获得、获取)

E.G.1 I thought if worse came to worse we could… grab a room. (绝望的主妇:S01E08)

2、Intangible asset:(无形的对人有利的条件、资源或珍贵有用的事物)——>>“Seize、secure/obtain”利用机会争取、斩获:

E.G.1 Carlos, where are you going? To go grab a few hours sleep before I have to get back to work. (绝望的主妇:S05E18)

E.G.2 If we see a chance for happiness, we should grab it and hold on tight. (绝望的主妇:S02E07)

E.G.3 It’s hard to find …love and when you do you should grab it and don’t care anybody thinks. (绝望的主妇:S06E09)

E.G. 4 Well, it’s in New York, so it’s a lot to consider, and… and that is the difference between me and you. I’d grab an opportunity like that in a second, but not you.

3、To draw someone’s attention (吸引某人的注意力)

E.G.1 So let’s grab everybody and make sure we’re all on the same page. 

【片段精解】——>>CLIP 05 

Narrator: An odd thing happens when we die. 人死后会发生一件奇怪的事

——>> Our senses vanish. 几种感官相继消失

——>> Taste, touch, smell, and sound 味觉 触觉 嗅觉和听觉

——>> become a distant memory, 都成了遥远的记忆

——>> but our sight 除了视觉

——>> ah, our sight expands, 我们的视野反而开阔许多

——>> and we can suddenly see the world 我们能把曾身处的世界

——>> we’ve left behind so clearly. 看得很清楚

——>> Of course, most of what’s visible to the dead 当然 逝者所能看到的东西

——>> could also be seen by the living, 生者也能看见

——>> if they’d only take the time to look. 只要他们肯花时间驻足观看

——>> Like my friend Gabrielle. 比如我朋友加布丽尔

——>> I should have seen how unhappy she was, 我早该看见她有多不开心

——>> but I didn’t. 但我没有

——>> I only saw her clothes from Paris… 我只看见她那些巴黎定购的时装

——>> and her platinum jewelry… 那些铂金珠宝

——>> and her brand-new diamond watch. 和崭新的钻石手表

——>> Had I looked closer, 如果我仔细观察

——>> I’d have seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman 我会看见加布丽尔是一个溺水的女人

——>> desperately in search of a life raft. 急切地寻找着救生筏

——>> Luckily for her, she found one. 幸运的是 她找到一个

——>> Of course, Gabrielle only saw her young gardener 加布丽尔只是让年轻的园丁

——>> as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement. 给她的生活添点色彩

——>> But now she was about to discover 不过她马上就会发现

——>> just how exciting her life could get. 她的生活会如此多姿多彩





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