
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E03-Part01


Surrender[sə’rendə(r)](投降、认输;­放弃挣扎、屈从;向上供述某事或上交某物 )

1、To admit that you’ve been defeated;

E.G.1:You might have to bite the bullet and ask her for her recipe. What? Surrender? Debase myself? (绝望的主妇S04E02)

E.G.2:My point is, he would not meekly surrender to the rules…and neither should you. (生活大爆炸:S04E21)

2、To give it up or let go of sth after a struggle.

E.G.1:Some, when faced with a bloody battle, simply give in. But for some, surrender is unacceptable. (绝望的主妇S04E02)

E.G.2:You once offered me the chance to surrender before being visited by the plagues. I did not, and so I paid the price. (亿万S04E12)

3、To give the control or use of sth to someone else, usually authority or superior.

E.G.1:His business partner, Mr. Tanaka fled the country, and Mr. Solis himself has refused to surrender his passport. (绝望的主妇S01E10)

E.G.2:I’d prefer not to be a “sort of” anything, milord. I will surrender my position for the duration of the visit, if I must. (唐顿庄园2019电影版)


  • 斗争中被打败、举白旗认输,包括军事战斗及不同势力间的较量
  • 某人遇到强劲的对手、困难的局面而被迫放弃其主张及意愿
  • 下级对上级或民众对执法部门上交某物,如让出职位、递交护照

我检索了下影视剧语料库,它在像《唐顿庄园》、 《亿万》、 《纸牌屋》、 《生活大爆炸》、 《新闻编辑室》、 《猫鼠游戏》剧中出现的频率较高,而这类剧集都是难度较高的美剧,只适合英语高级进阶。所以,Surrender绝对是个一般人不用会的词,掌握这类词语是山鸡变凤凰的必经过程。

Discard[dɪs’kɑːd]To throw away or get rid of something because you no longer want it. (抛弃、丢弃)

Eternity[ɪ’tɜːnəti]Time without end, especially life continuing without end after death. (永生、永恒)

Hold on to somethingTo continue to keep something. (继续持有、保留)

Unravel[ʌn’rævl]To start to fail, no longer stay together as a whole. (分散、解开;崩溃、瓦解)

If a process or project unravels, it begins to fail,in a marriage that means the couple are gonna untie the knot.


——>> It’s astonishing to look back on the world I left behind 当我回头看身后的世界

——>> I remember it all, every single detail. 真是令人吃惊,每个细节都历历在目

——>> Like my friend Bree Van de Kamp. 比如我的朋友布里·范德坎普

——>> I remember the easy confidence of her smile, 我还记得她自信的微笑

——>> the gentle elegance of her hands, 优雅的手势

——>> the refined warmth of her voice. 亲和的语气

——>> But what I remember most about Bree… 但最难忘的

——>> was the look of fear in her eyes. 是她眼神中的恐惧

用“It is + adj to do sth”陈述观点,结合排比句展现事例,起到渲染及烘托气氛,再通过转折进一步阐明编剧想要陈述的重点。

E.G. :(欧文模仿示例)

—–>> It’s fascinating to come across Marc Cherry’s production

—–>> I remember all of them, every single show

—–>> Like his most famous TV-show Desperate housewives

—–>> I remember the classic metaphors of married life

—–>> the in-depth reflection of his critical thinking

—–>> the hilarious display of his witty humor

—–>> But what I remember most about Desperate Housewives

—–>> was the profound insight into human nature in this show.

—–>> Jenny felt unprecedented pressure to assume what life has to offer.

—–>> As a mother, she had to take care of her son from changing diapers to giving her baby a bath.

—–>> As a daughter, she had to look after her mother who has been living with paralysis for years.

—–>> As a boss, she had to deal with the escalating issues caused by recent misconduct of the project team.

—–>> But she knew from the bottom of heart that those hardships were nothing compared with her husband’s ruthless and vindictive betrayal.

绝望的主妇里面,对于排比句的运用非常频繁,原因很简单:排比句有一个很妙的特性:可以起到渲染气氛、为重点或高潮部分作铺奠、营造“山雨欲来风满楼”的氛围等效果。下面,我再列举两个“There be”句型后面接排比加转折的例子:

E.G. :(欧文模仿示例)

There are many things that tear couples apart. Committing domestic violence, engaging in extramarital affairs, ignoring each other’s core interests and major concerns, but the thing that destroys couples the most is that no one is willing to take on responsibilities.

There is a general consensus that learning English by watching desperate housewives is an excellent choice. Of course, not everyone who watches this show finds merits after they finished up a complete season. But Owen did. As a matter of fact, Owen has been watching this show, the first season in particular, for more than 10 times in recently years.

for the first time, he leant a wind range of advanced vocabularies,

for the second time, he reaped a great deal of useful expressions,

for the third time, he grasped a bunch of sophisticated sentence structure.

But, sadly for him, by the time he shared his findings in DH study group, most of the members didn’t take it seriously.



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