

Desperate Housewives Narrator Mary Alice Young

DH S01E03 Part01练习素材及答案:

Look back on sth:it means to reflect upon or remember a past event or period of time. It involves recalling and thinking about past experiences, often with a sense of nostalgia or reflection. (回顾或记起过去的事件或时期。它涉及回忆和思考过去的经历,通常带有怀旧或反思的情感。)


As she celebrated her retirement, she took a moment to look back on her successful career and the many achievements she had accomplished.


When I look back on the days when I teamed up with like-minded friends to practice English, I realize how much I learned and how those experiences shaped who I am today.


In quiet contemplation, he often looks back on the choices and crossroads that led him to his current station in life, pondering the serendipity and foresight involved.

Lose ends:it refers to unfinished details or unresolved issues that need to be addressed or completed. It often implies that there are small parts of a larger task or situation that still require attention before everything can be considered complete. (需要处理或完成的未完成细节或未解决的问题。它通常暗示在较大的任务或情况下还有一些小部分需要关注才能算全部完成。)


The novel was intriguing, but it left too many loose ends, leaving readers with unanswered questions.

In preparation for their trip, they tied up all the loose ends at work to ensure nothing was left undone.


After the investigation, the detective had a few loose ends to follow up on before closing the case.

Be burdened with:it means to be weighed down or overwhelmed by something, typically a responsibility, obligation, worry, or problem. It implies that the person or entity is carrying a heavy load, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally. (被某事物压得喘不过气来,通常指责任、义务、担忧或问题。它暗示这个人或实体正承受着沉重的负担,无论是身体上、情感上还是精神上。)


He felt (he was)burdened with the expectations placed on him by his family and community.


The young student was burdened with an overwhelming amount of homework and extracurricular activities.


The celebrated artist was often burdened with the pressure to continuously produce masterpieces that lived up to her previous acclaim.


As the sole heir, she was burdened with the daunting responsibility of managing the vast estate and preserving the family legacy.

Go through with something:it means to complete or follow through on a planned action or commitment, even if it is difficult, unpleasant, or met with obstacles. It emphasizes the act of carrying out a decision to its conclusion. (完成或执行一个计划好的行动或承诺,即使这很困难、不愉快或遇到障碍。它强调的是将一个决定执行到底的行为。)


They planned to sell their house, and despite the market conditions, they went through with it.


The company decided to go through with the merger despite some last-minute complications.


She hesitated momentarily but ultimately went through with her resolve to confront the board and advocate for the necessary reforms.

今日引语推荐( Miss Austin Regrets)

“In a world that measures a woman’s worth by her marital status, I have chosen a different path. My words and my independence are my legacy. True fulfillment comes not from conforming to societal expectations but from embracing one’s passions and living authentically. This, I believe, is the essence of a life well-lived.”


“To remain unmarried is not a failure, but a conscious choice to prioritize my intellectual and creative endeavors. My novels celebrate the strength and autonomy of women, reflecting my belief that a woman’s worth lies not in her marital status, but in her integrity, intellect, and capacity for love and creativity.”


DH S01E03 Part02练习素材及答案:

Hang out with someone:it means to spend time with someone in a relaxed, informal setting, usually for socializing or leisure activities. (与某人一起度过时间,通常是以一种随意和放松的方式。这通常意味着社交或一起从事一些没有正式或特定目的的活动。)


After the conference, the professors decided to hang out with some of the attendees, discussing the latest research developments and potential collaborations.


Whenever he visits the city, he makes sure to hang out with his old college buddies.


During their vacation in Europe, they enjoyed hanging out with locals in quaint cafes, immersing themselves in the culture and learning new languages.

Chill out:it means to relax and take it easy, often to reduce stress or calm down from a state of agitation or excitement. (放松,轻松下来,通常是为了减轻压力或从激动或兴奋的状态中平静下来。)


Instead of arguing, they took a moment to chill out and discuss their differences calmly.


To escape the hustle and bustle of city life, she often retreats to her countryside cottage to chill out amidst nature.


The hectic week had taken its toll, prompting him to chill out with a soothing bath and a classical music to restore his equilibrium.

Scrape up:it means to gather or collect something with difficulty, often implying that resources are limited or hard to come by. It is commonly used when someone is trying to accumulate enough money, support, or resources for a specific purpose. (费力地收集或聚集某物,通常暗示资源有限或难以获得。它常用于描述某人试图为特定目的积累足够的资金、支持或资源。)


He had to scrape up every bit of his courage to ask her out on a date.


After years of saving, they finally managed to scrape up enough money for a down payment on their first house.


He meticulously scraped up every possible resource and called in every favor to secure the exclusive venue for the charity gala.

造句练习:数词+ as much noun/ V-ing phrase


“The company allocates one-third as much budget for routine maintenance as it does for research and development.”


We’re spending tenfold as much time learning English as we do watching the clip of Desperate Housewives.


The luxury resort charges half as much for off-peak stays as it does during the high season, making it a more affordable option in quieter periods / making it an extortion to check in during bustling season .

今日引语推荐( The Age Of Turbulence)

“In the symphony [‘sɪmfəni] of life, joy and sorrow are the contrasting notes that create harmony. It is through embracing both the highs and lows that we appreciate the beauty of our existence and find balance in our journey. To love deeply, to live fully, to learn continuously—these are the pillars upon which a meaningful life is built. Through love, we find connection; through living, we find purpose; through learning, we find growth.”


“Innovation is the engine of economic growth, but it is also a disruptive force. Every major innovation reshapes industries and displaces established players. The challenge for policymakers is to create an environment that fosters innovation while also providing support for those affected by the inevitable disruption.”


DH S01E03 Part03练习素材及答案:

Foam at the mouth:it is an idiomatic expression used to describe someone who is extremely angry, agitated, or excited. The phrase originates from the physical symptom of foaming at the mouth, which can occur in extreme stress or anger situations, though it is generally used metaphorically in modern language. (“气得怒不可遏” 是一个习惯用语,用来形容某人非常愤怒、激动或兴奋。这个短语源自极度压力或愤怒情况下可能出现的嘴巴冒泡的身体症状,虽然在现代语言中通常是比喻使用。)


The customer was foaming at the mouth over the poor service he received at the restaurant.


She was practically foaming at the mouth when she discovered that her colleague had taken credit for her work.


During the heated debate, he was foaming at the mouth, unable to control his fury at the opposing party’s accusations.

Take a moral hard line:it means to adopt a strict and uncompromising stance based on one’s ethical or moral beliefs. It implies adhering firmly to principles and not yielding to opposing viewpoints or circumstances. (基于个人的伦理或道德信仰采取严格和不妥协的立场。它意味着坚守原则,不向相反的观点或情况屈服。)


The activist group took a moral hard line on human trafficking, advocating for harsher penalties and better victim support systems.


The company CEO took a moral hard line on environmental sustainability, ensuring that all company operations adhered to the highest environmental standards.


As a teacher, she took a moral hard line against cheating, implementing strict policies to prevent academic dishonesty.

One’s mind working away:it means someone is thinking very actively, often about something specific or trying to solve a problem, even if they are not speaking or showing obvious signs of their thought process. (“某人的脑子在运转” 意味着某人非常积极地思考某件事,即使他们没有说话或显示出明显的思考过程的迹象。)


She appeared relaxed, but her mind was working away, planning the next stages of her project.


Though she maintained a composed demeanor, her mind was working away, strategizing the best approach for the upcoming negotiation.


Even while enjoying the serene landscape, his mind was working away, conceptualizing the next chapter of his novel.

今日引语推荐( The Painted veil)

” Her courage seemed to him like a flame, small yet fierce, flickering in the wind yet never extinguished. In the darkest moments, it was this flame that guided him, a beacon of hope and strength. It was as if her courage could conquer mountains and her resolve could outlast the stars. ”


“In his pursuit of knowledge, he found ignorance; in his quest for truth, he discovered lies. The world was a mirror reflecting his deepest fears and highest hopes. The irony of life is that in seeking clarity, we often encounter confusion, and in searching for meaning, we find the absurd.“


“It was in the quiet moments, in the stillness of the night, that she found her truth. It was in the silence that she heard the whispers of her soul. It was in the darkness that she saw the light within. Each revelation was a step towards self-discovery, a journey towards understanding the essence of her being.”


DH S01E03 Part04练习素材及答案:

词汇精选:Cruise [kruːz] 的另类用法:

Cruise: to move smoothly and quickly at a steady pace, often implying a relaxed or effortless motion. (自由航行、行驶;轻松驾驭;逗圈)

1、 Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be cruising down the highway with ease.


2、 He loves cruising around the city on his new bought electric scooter.


3、 She felt like she was cruising through the exam because she had prepared so thoroughly.


词汇精选:Flattering [‘flætərɪŋ] 的另类用法:

When sth is “not flattering,” it implies that it does not present someone or sth in an ideal or attractive manner. (满意的;讨喜的;令人欣慰的、相得益彰的;)

1、 The candid photo was not flattering, but it captured a genuine moment.


2、 He wore a suit that was not particularly flattering to his figure.

3、She chose not to share the group photo because she felt it wasn’t flattering.


Throw sth in one’s honor:it means to organize or host an event or celebration to recognize and pay tribute to a particular person. This could include parties, dinners, ceremonies, or other types of gatherings where the focus is on honoring the individual for their achievements, milestones, or contributions. (“为某人举办某事” 意思是组织或举办一场活动或庆典,以表彰和向特定的人致敬。这可以包括派对、晚宴、仪式或其他类型的聚会,重点是表彰个人的成就、里程碑或贡献。)


They decided to throw a party in her honor to celebrate her promotion.


The town decided to throw a parade in his honor for his heroic actions.


To celebrate her retirement after 40 years of teaching, the school threw a heartfelt farewell party in her honor.

Calm one’s nerves:it means to reduce or soothe someone’s anxiety, stress, or nervousness. It often involves actions or techniques that help someone feel more relaxed and less tense. (“平复某人的情绪” 意思是减少或缓解某人的焦虑、压力或紧张感。通常涉及帮助某人感到更放松和不那么紧张的行为或技巧。)


Reading a few chapters of her favorite novel was her way of calming her nerves before drifting off to sleep.


Talking to a friend can sometimes calm your nerves more effectively than being alone.


In an effort to calm his nerves, he sipped on a glass of chamomile tea and listened to the gentle patter of rain against the window.

Let go of sb/sth:it means to release one’s grip on someone or something, either physically or emotionally, allowing it to be free or to move on. It often refers to the process of moving past a particular feeling, object, person, or situation that one has been holding onto. (“放下某物” 意思是放开对某物的抓紧,不论是物理上的还是情感上的,使其自由或继续前进。它通常指的是放下某种情感、物品、人物或情境的过程。)


After much reflection, he decided to let go of the grudges that had burdened him for years.


She finally decided to let go of her past mistakes and focus on her future.


In the face of new opportunities, he made the difficult decision to let go of his longstanding attachment to the family business.


As difficult as it was, she understood that letting go of someone she deeply cared for was necessary for both their personal developments.


In order to heal, she realized she had to let go of someone who had caused her so much pain and disappointment.

今日引语推荐(House of cards)

“In the pursuit of power, one must be both lion and fox. Strength alone cannot conquer the cunning of adversaries, nor can wit alone subdue brute force. It is in the fusion of these qualities that greatness is forged, and only those who embrace the paradox will rise to the pinnacle of leadership.”


“It is in the crucible of conflict that true character is revealed. It is in the face of adversity that leaders are born. It is in the heart of battle that one’s mettle is tested, and it is through the fires of struggle that we emerge not as mere mortals, but as titans of our fate.“


” Life in politics is like walking a tightrope over a pit of vipers. Each step must be calculated, each move carefully measured, for one false move can lead to ruin. The balance between integrity and ambition is a delicate dance, and those who master it become the true architects of destiny.”


DH S01E03 Part05练习素材及答案:

See sth in a whole new light:it means to understand or perceive something in a completely different and often more insightful way than before. It involves gaining a new perspective or reevaluating a situation, idea, or person. (以一种完全不同且通常更有见地的方式理解或感知某事。这涉及获得新的视角或重新评估一个情况、想法或人。)


The book provided insights that allowed me to see history in a whole new light.


After hearing her side of the story, which I hadn’t considered before, I started to see the situation in a whole new light, and my opinion changed.


Having delved into the intricate details of the research, I began to see the scientific theory in a whole new light, appreciating its profound implications.

Rack  one’s brain:to think very hard or make a great effort to remember something or solve a problem. (用尽脑力或付出大量努力来解决问题或想出一个想法。这涉及到为找到解决方案或答案而进行的密集思维。)


When he couldn’t find his keys, he racked his brain to recall where he had last seen them.


Despite racking his brain to find a needle in a haystack, he realized he was barking up the wrong tree and had to start from scratch.


After racking his brain for hours, he realized he was running around in circles and needed to think outside the box to break the impasse [‘æmpɑːs]/deadlock/stalemate [‘steɪlmeɪt].
(更多表达参见:Get over the hump,Turn the tide、Get the ball rolling、Break through the barrier)

Sth cross one’s mind:it means that a thought or idea suddenly occurs to someone or briefly enters their consciousness. (某个想法或念头突然出现在某人的意识中。)


When the thought of starting a new business crossed her mind, she felt a rush of excitement.


As she read the letter, a brilliant idea crossed her mind, and she knew she had to act on it quickly before it faded away.


To save face, it crossed her mind that she should nip the issue in the bud before it spirals out of control.

今日引语推荐(House of cards)

“Jobs understood that the intersection of technology and liberal arts leads to profound innovation. ‘It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough,’ he said. ‘It’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our hearts sing.’ This synthesis of disciplines enabled him to create products that were not only powerful but also touched the human spirit.”

“乔布斯明白科技与人文艺术的交汇能带来深远的创新。他说: ’在苹果的DNA中,仅仅有科技是不够的。是科技与人文艺术结合,与人文科学结合,才产生了让我们心灵颤动的结果 ’ 。这种学科的综合使他创造出不仅强大而且触动人心的产品。”

“Jobs believed that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ‘It takes a lot of hard work to make something simple, to truly understand the underlying challenges and come up with elegant solutions,’ he often said. This principle drove him to strip away the unnecessary, to refine and distill until only the essence of beauty and utility remained, a testament to his relentless pursuit of perfection.“

“乔布斯相信,简单是终极的复杂。他常说,’要做到简单,需要付出很多努力,真正理解潜在的挑战,并提出优雅的解决方案。’ 这一原则驱使他剔除多余,精炼和提炼,直到只剩下美与实用的本质,这证明了他对完美的不懈追求。”

“For Steve Jobs, the journey was the reward. He embraced every twist and turn, every setback and success, as part of a grand adventure. ‘Stay hungry, stay foolish,’ he advised, capturing the essence of his philosophy that the pursuit of knowledge and the willingness to take risks are the keys to living a fulfilled and impactful life. ”


DH S01E03 Part06练习素材及答案:

Something get out of hand:it means that a situation becomes uncontrollable or unmanageable, often due to escalating circumstances or lack of control. (情况变得无法控制或难以管理,通常由于情况升级或缺乏控制。)


When the situation got out of hand, the manager had to step in and take control.


When the argument got out of hand, it quickly turned into a full-blown confrontation that nobody could stop.


When the debate got out of hand, it became a heated argument, and soon enough, everyone was airing their dirty laundry, causing the atmosphere to turn sour.

Wound tight:it describes a situation or a person who is extremely tense, nervous, or under a lot of pressure. It can also refer to something that is tightly wound or secured. (描述了某种情况或某个人极度紧张、神经绷得很紧,或承受着很大压力。它也可以指某物被紧紧缠绕或固定。)


To avoid making mistakes under pressure, he had to learn how to manage being wound tight and keep his composure.


Feeling wound awfully tight and unable to relax, she took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves before the grand presentation.


As the project deadline approached, she was wound a little tight, struggling to keep her cool while managing a team that was on edge.

今日引语推荐(Steve Jobs: Walter Isaacson)

“Steve believed in the power of focus. ‘Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do,’ he would assert. By honing in on what truly mattered and eliminating distractions, he was able to channel his energies into creating products that were not only functional but also beautifully designed. His emphasis on simplicity led to a purity of vision that resonated with users worldwide.”


” Jobs had an almost mystical belief in the power of intuition. ‘Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition,’ he advised. ‘They somehow already know what you truly want to become.’ This faith in the unseen, in the guiding force of inner wisdom, allowed him to make bold decisions that often seemed irrational but ultimately led to groundbreaking success.”

“乔布斯对直觉的力量有着几乎神秘的信仰。他建议:有勇气跟随你的心和直觉。’它们以某种方式已经知道你真正想成为什么。’这种对看不见的信念,对内在智慧的引导力量的信任,使他能够做出看似不合理但最终取得突破性成功的大胆决策。 “

“Innovation, by its very nature, is a disruptive force. It shatters the comfortable complacency [kəm’pleɪsnsi] of the status quo, forging new paths where none existed before. The friction it creates is the spark that ignites progress, pushing humanity ever forward into uncharted territories. ”


DH S01E03 Part07练习素材及答案:

Something is uncalled for:it means that something is unnecessary, inappropriate, or unwarranted in a particular situation. It often implies that the action or comment in question was out of place or excessive. (某事在特定情况下是不必要的、不合适的或不应有的。它通常暗示相关的行为或评论是不合时宜的或过度的。)

The harsh criticism was uncalled for, given the effort she put into the project.

Her abrupt dismissal of his ideas was uncalled for and added insult to injury, leaving everyone in the room walking on eggshells.

3、经理的严厉批评是没有必要的,感觉像是当面一记耳光,让团队怀疑他们是否步调一致。 (挑战题)
The manager’s scathing critique was uncalled for and felt like a slap in the face, making the team question whether they were on the same page.

Build up sth against/towards someone:it means to gradually accumulate negative feelings, evidence, or reasons to criticize, blame, or take action against someone. (逐渐积累对某人的负面情绪、证据或批评、责备或采取行动的理由。这可能涉及随着时间的推移收集信息或怀有怨恨。)

Over the years, she built up a lot of resentment against her boss for never recognizing her hard work.

She built up a list of grievances against her partner, feeling increasingly justified in her decision to end the relationship.

Over time, the tenant built up a laundry list of complaints against the landlord, feeling backed into a corner and ready to fight tooth and nail.

The phrase “a laundry list of something” originates from the traditional practice of listing items sent to the laundry. In earlier times, especially before the widespread use of washing machines, people would send their clothes to a laundromat or laundry service. To ensure that all items were accounted for, they would create a detailed list of everything they sent, including shirts, pants, socks, etc. This list, known as a laundry list, was usually quite lengthy and detailed.

Over time, the term “laundry list” evolved to describe any long, detailed list of items or issues, not just those related to laundry. It is often used to emphasize the extensiveness and comprehensiveness of the list.



Make the most of something:it means to use or enjoy something as much as possible, to take full advantage of a situation or resource, and to derive the greatest benefit from it. (尽可能多地使用或享受某物,充分利用一种情况或资源,从中获得最大的好处。)


He made the most of the opportunity to network at the conference and met several influential people.


Despite the limited budget, the team made the most of their resources and delivered an impressive project.


They seized the opportunity to make the most of the making-sentence initiative by keeping their ears to the ground, striking while the iron was hot, and making sure every sentence is meticulously crafted./ to cross their t’s and dot their i’s.

“Cross one’s t’s and dot one’s i’s”:it means to pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every aspect of a task or activity is completed thoroughly and correctly. This phrase emphasizes the importance of being thorough and precise in one’s work or actions. (这个短语意指对细节极其关注,确保每一项任务或活动都被彻底且正确地完成。这个短语强调在工作或行动中彻底和精确的重要性。)

The phrase “cross one’s t’s and dot one’s i’s” finds its roots in the world of penmanship and writing. When people used to write with pen and ink, clarity was paramount. The phrase refers to the meticulous care that was needed to ensure that every “t” was crossed and every “i” was dotted to avoid any confusion or misreading of handwritten text. This phrase have now became a metaphor for paying close attention to details in all kinds of tasks, not just writing. It emphasizes the importance of thoroughness and precision.


  • In the days before typewriters and computers, handwriting was the primary means of written communication. Writers had to ensure that their handwriting was legible.
  • 划“t”的横线和点“i”的点是正确书写字母的基本部分,以便清楚地区分它们和其他字母(例如“l”或“u”)。
    Crossing the “t” and dotting the “i” were essential parts of writing letters correctly to distinguish them clearly from other letters (e.g., “l” or “u”).
  • By the mid-19th century, the phrase had started to be used idiomatically to mean paying close attention to details or completing all aspects of a task with thoroughness.
  • It became common in legal, business, and academic contexts where precision and completeness are critical.

E.G.1:She always crosses her t’s and dots her i’s when working on a project, which is why her work is always impeccable.

E.G.2:Good authors cross their t’s and dot their i’s, making sure every detail in their book is accurate.

E.G.3:Before finalizing the contract, please make sure to cross your t’s and dot your i’s to avoid any legal issues.


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