
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E04-Part02


I hope/hopefully it works out:实用词串,通常用来表达对某人或某个组合的良好祝愿。相当于:“I hope you do well”, “I wish you success”,“You have my blessing”这样的善意祝福。后面一般接介词“For”或者“with”。

Land『 这块只讲其动词含义:落下、坠落、使着落、登陆;取得、获得;使陷入(困境) 』

1、When sb or sth lands, they come down to the ground after moving through the air or falling, or arrives somewhere after a journey.

E.G.:Look for a place to land… A field, a large parking lot. (DHS06E10) 

2、To succeed in getting a job,a contract, a girl or guy to go out with you, etc., especially one that a lot of other people want.

E.G.1:You know what. I promise, I land this account and I am gonna buy you something awful pretty. (DHS01E07)

E.G.2:Suit yourself. But for the record…I was rooting for you to land him. (DHS01E07)

3、If sb or sth lands you with a difficult situation, they cause you to have to deal with difficulties involved.

E.G.1:Of course, if those mistakes land you in jail, it might be nice to have a book to pass the time. (DHS06E07)

E.G.2:As usual, I got landed with all the boring things.

注意,作第3层意思讲时,通常有一个固定的搭配:Land sb in/with sth.


With all due respectA phrase used to politely disagree with someone(恕我直言,以尊重起见…)

中文释义:With all due respect是一个非常实用的短语,并且这个短语是个套话,其中文意思是:(请)恕我直言、或我没有不敬的意思。这里的due respect,可以理解为:(你)应得的尊重。从字面上,可以将整个短语理解为:我非常尊重你,不过……。它常常在说话者需要说一些不太好听、不够顺耳、甚至是伤人的话之前使用,目的是让对方觉得好受一些。但实际上,这句话往往并不能起到所期望的效果。也就是说,这句话貌似客气,实则并不客气。

E.G.1:I don’t think a conjugal visit is such a ridiculous request. –With all due respect, Mrs. Solis, let’s just get through the discovery phase first, okay?

参考译文:我不认为夫妻探访是荒谬的要求 — 怒我直言,索利斯太太,所有的要求过了庭审取证阶段之后再说,好吗?

E.G.2:Well, with all due respect, let’s leave the creative suggestions to the mothers who have assumed the heavy lifting. Shall we?


Heavy liftingThe act of picking up and carrying heavy objects or work requiring the most effort, resources, or consideration. (吃力的活、费劲的工作)

E.G.1:But you can’t bend at the waist, and that pretty much leaves the heavy lifting to me. (DHS03E18)


E.G.2:So now that I’m going to do some “heavy lifting”, I believe I have the right to talk about the changes made to the script? (DHS01E06)


Abstinence [‘æbstɪnəns] clubA club with its aim to prevent teen pregnancy, educate people about teen pregnancy and provide a safe environment to talk whenever needed. (节欲俱乐部)

As far as I am concerned: (also: so far as someone is concerned) according to what someone thinks or feels. Referring to one’s own opinion or view on a particular matter. (要我说,就目前我来看)

Moral authority[ɔː’θɒrəti]The quality or characteristic of being respected for having good character or knowledge, especially as a source of guidance or an exemplar of proper conduct. (道德权威、道德制高点)

Drive sb awayTo cause or force (someone) to leave especially by making a situation unpleasant or unattractive. (撵走、驱使某人离开)

Just because+加否定语态:(并不会因为……而产生某种响应或做出某种让步或改变,说得通俗点,它对应我们中文语境里的:你不要以为发生或做了什么事,就认为可以怎么着了。)

E.G.1: Andrew, just because I chose not to share my marital problems with you doesn’t give you the right to be rude. (Bree said to Andrew in DHS01E04)


E.G.2:Sweetheart, just because you give a boy sex doesn’t mean you’ll get love in return. (Bree said to Daniel in DHS01E15)


E.G.3:Just because you didn’t hear them fighting, doesn’t mean they were happy. (Bree said to Daniel in DHS01E15)


E.G.4:Just because I had never been to English speaking country, doesn’t mean I can’t speak fluent English. (Owen)




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