
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E05-Part01


Ultimatums [ˌʌltɪ’meɪtəms]:A threat in which a person or group of people are warned that if they do not do a particular thing, something unpleasant will happen to them. It is usually the last and most extreme in a series of actions taken to bring about a particular result. (最后通牒)

Be force to do sthTo do something against one’s wishes. (做自己不情愿又不得不做的事)

E.G1.:If I don’t start getting any sleep soon I’ll be forced to move back upstairs out of sheer exhaustion. (DHS01E04)

E.G.2:With New York prices, I’ll be forced to live in a place smaller than this. (DHS07E02)

For that matterUsed to show that a statement is true in another situation or add a comment on sth that you have just said. V1『就此而言,关于那点,至于那个;而且(就刚才所言),(针对刚才所说)我再补充一点』

E.G.1:See, she has no family or friends, for that matter. (DHS05E20)

E.G.2:Oh. So she must have written a lot of things in them? Every mundane detail of her life.

And everyone else’s, for that matter. (DHS01E12)
参考翻译:那她应该记了不少东西吧? –她会记下生活中每一个稀松平常的细节。而且,还包括其它人的。

E.G.3:It didn’t go very well, or for that matter, last very long. (DHS08E20)


这个短语翻译成中文:“对于那件事而言、至于那件事”,一般用于承接别人所说的观点或添加自己想要补充的信息。它在句子里面即使不翻译,也不会影响说话者要表达的意思。加上“For that matter”这个短语是说话者想要附带提醒接收方:我说的这个是针对刚才观点的一个反馈或补充。

CommonplaceA usual or ordinary thing. (平常的事、司空见惯的事)


——>> Mrs. Frome liked Susan. 弗罗姆夫人是喜欢苏珊的

——>> But it was common knowledge on Wisteria Lane, 但紫藤郡的居民都知道

——>> where Susan Mayer went, bad luck was sure to follow. 无论苏珊走到哪 霉运一定会跟来

——>> Her misfortunes ranged from the commonplace… 她的不走运 有的很平常

——>>…to the unusual… 有的非比寻常

——>> …to the truly bizarre. 有的着实荒唐


Dr. Albert Goldfine was the most accomplished marriage counselor in the city.

He had dealt with problems ranging from substance abuse…

to infidelity…

to domestic violence.

Yes, Dr. Goldfine thought he had seen it all.

And then he met the Van de Kamps.


The war for control of Carlos began the night he proposed,

and Gabrielle had been losing ground to Juanita ever since.

From the prenuptial agreement which she reluctantly signed…

to the selection of wedding music she despised…

to the color of the house paint she hadn’t wanted,

Gabrielle had suffered one defeat after another.

The storylines and settings of Desperate Housewives appeals to the mass population

and the creator had all the details arranged all too well,

from the in-depth depiction of a character

to the focus and shifting of the camera lens,

to the motions and postures of the acting……

instructive wording were laid out everywhere.




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