你能再说一遍吗?Can you say that again?
Could you please repeat that?
Come again?
Take it slow / fill in the blanks
Make a lumber run:
Her curiosity aroused:
Fairview had a neighborhood less than desirable.
It was an accepted fact that anyone who lingered there after midnight was usually up to no good. (主语从句)
It is well said that / undeniable fact / it was commonly acknowledged/accept/ that…
Impoverished: extreme poverty
Narrator:Marry Alice (committed suicide)
结谁相识/认识/联系:Make contact with sb
跟谁交了朋友:make friends / Make acquittance with sb
Real-estate developer:地产开发商
PI: hitman
Give into sth:
Curiosity lead to guilt, guilt leads to talking.
No refunds, no buyer’s remorse.
Pre-mediated (谋划好的,经过沉思熟虑的) purchase /impulse purchase
Do the reflection:反思
Turn out:某个人长成样了 / 出落
For starters: 首先
Driver over sb:用车辗过某人
It turns out (结果是) what Bree said is true.
Be allowed to do sth:
Age of innocence. 纯真年代
Adorable /lovely:admire + in fond of sb
For starts/ to start off/ to begin with
Forgive sb for doing sth:原谅某人做某事
一叠、一沓钞票 wads of money
一堆、一捆 a stack/pile of money
Mob:帮派 Gangster:帮派(成员)
Go on a trip with sb:跟某人一块去旅行
No sb/sth……except……
Take sth personally:
Tarty / conservative / prude
What if…a fault does occur, how do you repair it?
The disposed the car, then come to Gaby’s house to dig up some information.
Come up with sth:
They’ll be able to determine the make and model.
Prayer list:
Legacy: 遗留下来的东西/ 遗赠物 /传代物 / 传家宝
Carry on sth:接着做某事
Start a family: 低调陈述
Fairly recent development:
Shallow people:肤浅的人
Went to splurge:挥霍
In case of:以免 /以防
Selfish /shallow
Off the hook:摆脱某种束缚或麻烦
Weary:心力交瘁 / figured
Sb did sth in hopes of finally finding the sleep that had eluded her.
In hopes of doing sth:
In order to / so that…/ for the sake of…/ so as to…
Boy scout: 男童军
Knot:tie the knot
Susan tied the knot with Mike。结为伉俪
Lynette is so tired that she couldn’t be able to play with the kids…
Extract something useful, practical so that you could make good use of it.