S01e08 – Part03
Make a scene/stir a wave
While Susan remained hopelessly stuck, Gaby was moving to confront the issue of her young lover’s restless conscience. –良心不安 I had to see if she’s OK.
Discreet / prudent/ cautious
Keep a low profile:低调点
Make a clear break with you: 一刀两断
Made a confession to Father Crowly.
Lassie:国外的一个连续剧(动画)smart and brave dog.
Stir up/ arouse:搅起、激起
Went viral, stir up the chaos/ disturbance
John —- Andrew
Get dinged:
She has lived her life:
She’s getting on. (上了年纪)
Don’t have a soul
Susan made up the story.
Go through:翻找 snoop around / 东翻西找 rummage
Some words, it doesn’t ring a bell, but you can’t remember exactly how does it spell.
Pussyfoot:To go or move in a stealthy or cautious manner. To act cautiously or timidly, as if afraid to commit oneself on a point at issue.
Strip mall:路边商城
Stall economy: 地摊经济
Troll: 老山怪、怪物、—老不死的—不嫌事多的人、搞事情的人 ,键盘侠
Please stop being a troll:
Throw sb out:把某人赶出门
Circle of life:生命轮回
Under a terrible strain:
Lynette’s kids are now driving her to the point of desperation.
Blow her brains out:
She’s on the verge of committing a suicide.
She pissed Mike off when Mike finds out she went through his stuff.
In one’s book:according to my believe/understanding
Deal breaker:交易/关系终结的因素
In my book, that’s pretty much a deal-breaker.
- 生意场上的交易破坏者
- 拍拖、两性关系中的关系终结因素
Susan definitely cross the line. Fill in the blanks.
You won’t let me in. you keep completely walled off.
You need to provide the women you love with a sense of security, better still, sense of humor.
Be obligated to do sth:
Every drub event
Weird, creepy, terrified/ intimidated
Depressed, confused,
Lynette needs to breath some fresh air.
Bounce off the walls:
Strike a resonating chord with the stay-at-home moms.
Guilty pleasure.
Let’s wrap up here.
Out of whack [wæk] :Not or no longer working or functioning properly. If something is out of whack, it is not working properly, often because its natural balance has been upset. (紊乱、失常、正常秩序被打乱。该短语一般用来指机器运行失灵或人的)
Let sb off sth:to not punish someone; if someone in authority lets you off something you should do, they give you permission not to do it. (不去处罚某人;给某人以权限做某事)