
Hit the park / hit the road / hit the target:

Enjoy the vacation?

Lynette has been on her last nerves. She needs more than a week

She wants to settle this matter once and for all.

She’s constantly under a terrible strain

ADD Medication

Had somebody Popping pills / pumping pills

Pub someone’s head together and come up with a solution.

Commitment: 承担的义务

Tom agreed to scrape up money.

Moron period:

As happy as a clam:

The full phrase is “happy as a clam at high tide.” Clams can only be dug up at low tides, so at high tide a clam is safer and secure, so therefore, happy.

Take your marks

An ounce 盎司) of…

Just a tiny little/ a small fraction of remorse.

Rex’s is defending his son Andrew.

Keep up a façade/ appearances

Lose one’s shot/chance

Rex shot the question:

Give it a shot:

Ensure sb to do /doing sth:

It ensures (that)

That’s risk I’m willing to take / I’ll take my chances.

After all, They’re arguing about who has a major say when it comes to child discipline.


They’ve already made a clear break.

Hooked up with each other.

Got the……bug? Charity/ dance/ hacker 动了念头


Word on the street / rumor has it that….

Desperate Housewives

Following her tuition:

Far-fetched: 理由太牵强

Gaby screwed over her husband Carlos

Run off with somebody

Basket case

You have no idea what My life was like.

Why don’t you enlighten me? 点醒

You have more money than you can spend.

Adorable (Carlos把她老婆当花瓶) / lovely

Rationalization:合理化 (强词夺理)

Upper-middle 社会地位和所在的社会圈层

In you go, off you go, here you go, there you go, off you go……

Each one more incompetent than the last.

Take advantage of sth:利用、借助

Expertise):专门意见、专业意见 ()


Poach / RaidTo take and use sb/ sth that belongs to sb/sth else. (挖墙角)

At one fling:一鼓作气

Unseemly:不地道 / 不体面 / 不像话 / 不妥 / 不道德 /有点缺德

Twisting someone’s arm:强人所难 / 强扭的瓜不甜

Reap the benefits:获得/收获 好处

You reap what you sow. (种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。)

Score: win sb over (赢得)

A list = high-grade

Awesome = fabulous

Impeccable = excellent

The jig is up…

Bree had started to worry her son’s sense of morality has going up in smoke (灰风烟灭、烟消去散).


What I was wondering is (分裂句) if you’ve bothered to spend any time reflecting on the reasons you’ve been grounded and the pain you’ve caused the Solis family.

Dirty jokes:黄段子

The low-down

Everything just kind of balances itself out and goes all smooth again.


It comes with the territory


Smoking joints/ Debbie/mari juana

Strung/string out:神志不清/ 神情恍惚


Shift change:换班

One of those days: 糟糕的几天


Hung up on:挂断某人的电话/ 对某人朝思mu (一厢情愿的暗恋)


Lame Yard boy: 未谙世事的

Get out:被传出去

On the upside/downside:好的一面/坏的一面

Every coin has a flip side.


Your social status at school is going to explode when people find out you’re doing a hot housewife.

Have an affair with one the housewives

With the money I pay you, you can afford a padlock. (独立主格)


Recipe for disaster

Troubled young man:

Progressively: 逐步向前地;日益增加地


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