Beginner’s luck:The concept of beginner luck is typically associated with novices who succeed in their first attempt at a game, activity, or sport but are less likely to win in the long run. (新手的好运、侥幸开局)
Newbie/ Rookie/ fresh hand/ green hand/ Novice [‘nɒvɪs] (新手、初学者)
E.G.1:Wow, he’s really picking it up fast. — Yeah. I think it’s just beginner’s luck. (DH S05E04 22:22)
E.G.2:You killed a cop once, didn’t you? — That was self-defense. I hope it wasn’t just beginner’s luck.(DH S03E06 18:52)
E.G.3:I’ve no time to learn anything. Couldn’t I just trust to beginner’s luck? (DA S03E08 54:17)
Irish mick [mɪk]:爱尔兰佬 (自嘲称呼)
Get a hang of sth:To begin having or acquire a general sense of how to do or use something or how something operates. If you get the hang of something such as a skill or activity, you begin to understand or realize how to do it. (学到、悟得做某事的要领)
Wishing well:A wishing well is a term from European folklore [‘fəʊklɔː(r) 民间传说、民俗学] to describe wells where it was thought that any spoken wish would be granted. (许愿井)
Trick shot (pl. trick shots)
- (snooker) An unconventional shot of the balls to show off or pot an otherwise impossible ball.
- (video games) a type of shot, often performed with a sniper rifle, to show off a player’s skill
Desperate Housewives S01E10 Part02

Give sb wrinkles /creeps
Look through:
With Mr. Solis in jail, how are you gonna pay me.
In advance /beforehand
Impound: 扣押/没收 Confiscate: 没收
Gaby knows how to bluff:
Beginner’s luck:(新手的好运、侥幸开局、傻人有傻福 与娱乐、运动相关)
Green hand / Junior/ Newbie / Novice / Freshman / Rookie
The concept of beginner luck is typically associated with novices who succeed in their first attempt at a game, activity, or sport but are less likely to win in the long run.
benefit / Profit
in gratitude for doing sth:对某人做了某事心存感恩。
Bring sb around:让某人回心转意
Elbow up:抬肘
Elbow someone’s way up:跻身上位
Irish mick:Hubei mick (自嘲)
Get the hang of sth:(学到、悟到某种本事或本领)
Learned the ropes of doing sth
Throwing coins into wishing wells hoping for friends.
Trick shots:
- 有难度的抬杆击球
- 射击游戏
Pot: 把台球打入球袋
Lucky streak: 手气、运气
Play one more hand:
A lot to handle: A big challenge
Be up to sth:
- 不能胜任什么事
- 意欲做什么事
E.G.1: Owen’s is not up to the task of being a live-stream.
E.G.2: Bree and Rex were up to no good.
Breach of trust: 违背(她对我的)信任
It makes Lynette feels she has an ulterior motive, she’s doing sth unseemly.
Trust is overrated.
How’re things with sb and someone.
Fluid:the situation likely to change, not fixed or stable. (不明朗、不稳固)
I have faith: 介词短语/从句
Out / out of wrack / Broken / not functioning properly/smoothly /malfuction
Pilot light:指示灯
Pilot: 试播节目/领航员
Tear my clothes off:
Julie is playing dumb:
Later that day, while Claire was out getting the boys wired on ice-cream, Lynette did some wiring on her own.
Wire: tie sb up /stay tune. Keep them around. Not letting sb out of one’s sight.
She’s making the rationalization.
Rehabilitation center:康复中心
Lecture:上政治课 Spare sb the lecture.
Feel like to do sth:
S & M:
Dark secret:
Psychoanalyze: (做心理及精神分析)
Two crazy kids:Bree and Himself (暗喻)
Work sth out:
Romantic at heart: 形容词词组作名词用
Even if I could find a way to deal with Bree’s whole obsessive-compulsive thing. It’s not the only problem of our marriage. As you know, I have certain needs.
This is one of the critical factors which resulted in their marriage disintegration. (Perverted hobby)
Love or passion, that’s an awful choice to make.
Quiet desperation /noisy fulfillment.