DH S01E10 Part03
Confiscated [‘kɒnfɪskeɪt] : 没收、罚没
Merely a hired contractor: 仅仅是个包工头
At large: flee away
Flip on sb:反叛某人、跟某人翻脸、站在某人的对立面
Play hardball:来硬的
Pretty much: 程度副词
It’s all fair game if they even think they can trace it to ill-gotten gains. (不义之财、违法所得)
Land:successfully obtained, secured sth.
Dug oneself from the dirt: 含辛茹苦、摸爬滚打
Scare up:To find or obtain something that is not easily available. (需要花时间和心思)
Odds and ends:零零碎碎的东西
Poke one’s head in……探头
Relieved:stress relieved, pain relieved.
It dawned on sb that… realize, come to understand.
Turn sb in:告发;把某人交付给authority.
Whether you like it or not:believe/admit it or not
Susan is playing the mom card: 打母亲牌
Clean the house
Pay the bills
Schedule an appointment
In bad/good shape:
- Physical appearance.
- Mental condition
As Gaby considered the vast emptiness of her new surroundings, she was surprised to find there was only one thing she truly missed…her husband.
To give attention to a particular subject or fact when judging something else, to look attentively at something.
Be into sth:喜欢、钟爱
Claire is very big with the young kids.
It kills me that I’m putting you through this.
Put sb through hell: 让某人极其痛苦。
You can count/depend on me.
Her eyes is about to be welled up with tears.
Through thick and thin.
Houseful/ spoonful
To put sth behind someone:
Gaby would forgo a houseful of expensive things in exchange for her husband’s freedom.
Sometimes you have to pretend to be unaware of certain situation in order to get what you want.
Happen to do sth:
You got me:
- 你问倒我了
- 你还有我呢
- 被你逮到了
She kicked me so fast that I forgot my laptop.
She is so beautiful that when you look at her, you knees tremble, your heart melts, you can’t think straight, and sometimes you have to look away.
Steve is a great asset to the company; he is such a wonderful guy that he always motivates the team and knows how to get best out of them in any typical condition and finally puts the team at winning side.
Just now, I was so furious that the AI system of WeChat is not up to the task.
Posse [‘pɒsi]:A group of people who are similar in some way, or who spend time together. (一帮、一伙、一群)
Out of the whack:
Smell sb:行啊你,看出苗头来了,真像那么回事!
A string of words:串词
Not all it’s cracked up to be: to be not as good as people say.
Owen is a hard nut to crack:
Who cracks the biscuits anyway?
I had a nanny for a while growing up. {delicate balance}
Social worker:社区工作者
Sb did time:监狱服役
Had a thing for sth:有什么毛病、习惯、偏好
Hard ass:
In fact, she(保姆) was such a disciplinarian [ˌdɪsəplɪ’neəriən]:that when my mom made parole, I was actually happy to see her.
Lesser of two evils:两害相权取其轻