Web of your hand:你的虎口
Spray: 喷洒 – Wear
Get over sth:to start to feel happy or well again after something bad has happened. (渡过、熬过某种困难的局面)
Get sth over with: 让某事翻篇
Pull away:to draw oneself back or away.
Be Caught off-guard:not ready to deal with sth.
Lynette knew serious illness was not a matter to be treated lightly. But making her yoga class was a matter of life and death.
Lynette take for granted that she get admitted to take the yoga class.
Honor roll:榜上有名的优等生
Freaks:someone’s behavior or attitude is very different from that of the majority of the people. (非主流Outsider: 怪胎)
Round pegs in the square holes. 格格不入的人
Perky cheerleader: 得意洋洋的,兴高采烈的
Pull a wool over sb’s eyes:忽悠或蒙蔽
The cool kids only talk to the freaks when they need something.
Make amends 与 make up to sb
Make amends: to do sth to correct or compensate a mistake that one has made or a bad situation that one has caused.
Make up to sb:比较小,不需要花费太长的时间或太大的代价来做出补偿、弥补。
sb’s full of crap: 满嘴跑火车
Take a load off:
- 让某人小坐、小憩
- 舒缓压力
Left sb to rot:让某人自生自灭
And just like that, Lynette realized the road to enlightenment and spiritual well-being was now closed to her.
Yoga meditation /profound: self-reflecting and soul-searching.
Doing a lot of thinking:
George gets hooked: / off the hook