Rose and English toffee (太妃糖)
At least have the decency
S.M. l.b.g.t:
- Sexism
- Sexual orientation
- Religious belief
- Race discrimination
Reek of sth: 充斥着、弥漫着
Preference —-》》Perversion
He had that look men get, that says
Procreate: 生育、繁衍
Cervix[‘sɜːvɪks]:the narrow passage forming the lower end of the uterus. (宫颈)
Deal breaker: 终结因素
Pull out all the stops to find out the information about his late wife.
Hard to believe a kid from such a good family could get so messed up.
Stub: 磕、碰
Even though it was Mrs. Mccluskey who had officially declared war, it was Lynette who decided to deliver the opening salvo. Yes, the war of Wisteria Lane would indeed prove to be messy for everyone involved.
Coil: 线圈,卷 –- raw material
I was wondering the * number/count is.
Chip in:凑份子
A blip on the radar:
Hurled an egg at Mrs. McCluskey
Stash: 囤放、贮藏
Discouraged over losing her job, Gaby decided a makeover would be the perfect cure for her depression. It was after finding a moisturizer she couldn’t afford that it finally occurred to Gaby perhaps it was her pride that needed a makeover.
Ended on a bad note:
Can’t complain:
Pull oneself up from nothing / Dug oneself up from nothing.
Bottom of the barrel:
Grassroot cadre基层干部
《The heart of Bodhi》
High-powered: 前程似锦的
Ride up:/ fashion tape
I’m not gonna be any type of company until I get something off my chest.