
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E16 – Part02


Slip one’s mindTo be forgotten, especially of an obligation. (遗忘某事,尤其指有义务记起的事情)

E.G.1:It’ll come in handy, should my nationality ever slip my mind. (DH S03E09)


E.G.2:Rex wrote and told me he could give Sam a better life. He then asked for full-time custody. I’m guessing he never told you that. Must have slipped his mind. (DH S06E21)

参考翻译:Rex信里说他可以给Sam更好的生活,然后他要求全天监护权,我猜他没告诉过你这个。– 他可能忘了。


E.G.1:After a lot of soul-searching, we’ve decided that it would be better if we got divorced. (DH S01E07)


E.G.2:Discouraged over losing her job, Gabrielle decided a makeover would be the perfect cure for her depression. (DH S01E14)

参考翻译:丢了工作后 加布丽尔感觉沮丧,她判定:是时候改个新造型来调整低落的心情。

E.G.3:I decided that my life is way too complicated. And so, I’m simplifying. (DH S01E16)


Give or takepossibly a little more or less than the amount or time mentioned. (前后加减所提及的时间,一般用于补充说明前面所提及的时间稍有不准,以进一步精准大概值范围。)

E.G.1:Lynnie. oh, it’s been a long time. oh, God. only three decades give or take a year, but who cares? (DH S04E08)


E.G.2:How long have you been sitting here? — I don’t know. Five minutes, give or take three hours? (DH S01E16)

参考翻译:你在这儿坐了多久了? — 不知道,五分钟到三小时左右。

Get wastedTo get drunk or highly inebriated. [ɪ’niːbrieɪtɪd(酒醉的;陶醉的)] (喝得酩酊大醉、烂醉如泥)

E.G.1:That’s it. Get up. Get dressed. — Why? — Because you’re coming with me, it’s time to get wasted. (DH S01E16)

参考翻译:够了,起来,换衣服。– 为什么? — 因为你要跟我走,是时候喝个酩酊大醉了。

E.G.2:We are going out to get wasted, hopefully to the point of blowing chunks on each other’s shoes. (2 Broke Girls S03E14)


Had one too manyhad drunk too many alcoholic. (酒喝得过多)

Make outis used to refer to kissing, including extended French kissing or heavy kissing of the neck (called necking), or to acts of non-penetrative sex such as heavy petting. (除发生性关系外的男女亲密行为)

Have one’s heart stomped [stɒmp] on:to break someone’s heart in a bad way. (心被践踏、被严重伤害)

E.G.1:So, she left you. You miss her? — I tend to not dwell on people who stomped on my heart. (DH S07E13)


E.G.2:Well, I guess I know what it’s like to have your heart stomped on. (DH S01E16)


Skanky[‘skæŋki]:extremely unpleasant, especially because of being dirty. (看着令人不爽的、脏乱的)

Pickings are slim/slim pickingsa small amount left after others have taken a share. (为数不多、百里挑一或可遇不可求的)

Leering [lɪə(r)ɪŋ] at someoneto stare at someone in a cunning, malicious, or lustful manner. (用一种狡黠的、恶毒的或好色的目光紧盯某人)

Cocky[‘kɒki]conceited or confident in a bold or cheeky way. (自负的、放肆的、张扬大胆的)

Have / got the upper handthe position of dominance, being in charge, being in control or having the advantage. (占上风、主导地位、处于优势、有支配权)

E.G.1:They’re so cocky. Like they know they have the upper hand. — What are you talking about? We have the upper hand. Without us, they have nothing. (DH S01E16)

参考翻译:他们很狂妄,好像自己占多大上风似的。– 胡说什么呢?占上风的是我们。没有我们,他们一无所有。

E.G.2:I hope you’re right, but the years do have a way of flying by, and I thought you might wanna unload this place while you still have the upper hand. (DH S07E04)


Pounce[paʊns]spring or swoop[ swuːp(抓取、突袭)] suddenly so as to catch prey. (出击、下手)

E.G.1:Did he just kiss you? No. It was days ago. — And you let him? — No. He pounced. (DH S03E19)

参考翻译:什么 他居然亲了你?– 不,那是好几天前的事。你居然放纵他? — 他强袭的我。

E.G.2:Now we’re just lonely and desperate. And they know it. And they just sit there, ready to pounce. (DH S01E16)


Crumb[krʌm]A small fragment, scrap, or portion. 【少量、些许;碎屑;残羹】

E.G.1:Our mothers had the right idea. They let men think they were the ones who needed sex and women just went along as a favor. Men begged for every crumb, and we never lost the upper hand. (DH S03E18)


E.G.2:And they just sit there, ready to pounce, waiting for us to take any crumb they’re willing to throw our way. (DH S01E16)


Throw one’s way“To throw something someone’s way” means to present someone with something. (给某人赠送或呈现某物)



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