
DH S01E17 Part02

I don’t suppose:

Be drawn to sth:

Steep oneself into sth:

Be infatuated with sb/sth:

Indulge oneself in sth…

Be obsessed with sb or sth…

Get addicted to sb/sth…

Be a sucker for sb/sth…

Limping: limb

Temporary solution

Ask sb out on a date:

Not in the name of date.

Straight things out/ work out the kinks

Jumble up

I don’t think I can leap right into sth new, relationship-wise, at the moment.

Check back with… / confirm with

You’re in advertising, right? Are you in advertising>?

Shop: / home/ in-house position (圈内话题)


It’s not like she can hear.



Lynette, you starting to ramp up into that whole meddling thing you do.

Ramp up into sth: To increase the effort involved into a process or something.

Meddling thing:

Meddle:to interest oneself in what is not one’s concern.

Tactful:/ Sophisticated

Take sb aside:

That’s not cool.


Throw sb through this wall:

This of sb as someone

Come on, that’s a really third-grade thing to say.

Look past


Faux – vulnerability: 假的 装猪吃老虎

Push one’s buttons:

Now we’re talking…

Hand sth to sb:

Set sb back: 花费某人钱财

Padrepɑːdreɪ] :/ Reverend ‘revərənd] ] 

Have dibs on sth/ someone:the first right to lay claim to someone.


Make/create a scene:搞事情、起哄子

Pull a stunt:

At regular intervals:

Ritual: a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, esp. as part of a ceremony.

The only reason I agreed to give up the house was because I thought I’d……

Suck it up…

All(What) I want is the same…

She’s a queen.

Plea bargain:

A close call: 1、危急关头

My electrolytes get all wacky when I sweat.

Phony smile:

Love handles:


Let’s trade partner:

On the top of my list:头等大事

Hideous /ugly:

Throw sb off:

No strings attached:


There’s no unconditional love existed in this world.

Just so you know…


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