
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E21 – 完整版


Romantic[rəʊ’mæntɪk]:someone who is not practical and has ideas that are not related to real life. (浪漫主义者、浪漫的人)


E.G.1:So now you’re rooting for us two crazy kids to work it out? You know me. I’m just a romantic at heart. (DH S01E10)

参考翻译:你是在鼓励我们继续这段荒唐的婚姻吗? 你了解我的,我打骨子里就是个浪漫的人。

E.G.2:When she was younger, Sophie Bremmer was a hopeless romantic. She was also hopelessly naive, which is how she came to be married four times. (DH S01E21)


How sb/sth come to be…:(陈述、解释某个人的状态是如何形成或某件事是如何发生的。这是一种影视旁白的经典剧本习惯用语。)

E.G.1:I’m curious. Andrew, as you fantasize about this woman, do you ever stop and think how she came to be on this runway? (DH S01E04)


E.G.2:When she was younger, Sophie Bremmer was a hopeless romantic. She was also hopelessly naive, which is how she came to be married four times. (DH S01E21)


E.G.3:Okay. I want to do Edie justice, and for that to happen, I need four words, okay? — Edie would so not be surprised you’re ruining this moment. — Go ahead, Susan. What are your four words for Edie? — One of a kind. Now it’s time. And that is how wisteria lane came to be my final resting place. (DH S05E19)

参考翻译:好了,我想公正评价伊迪,为此我要用四个词,行吗?– 你此刻大煞风景应该在伊迪的意料之中。– 说吧,苏珊。哪四个词形容伊迪?– 她是异类。这就是紫藤郡如何成为我永久的安息之地的。

E.G.3:I wanna know who’s putting that dopey grin on your face. — Well, actually, it’s Carlos. — Who? — Carlos. I’ve been seeing Carlos. And this is how Gabrielle Solis came to be injured the night of her engagement party. (DH S03E20)

参考翻译:我想知道是谁能让你这样傻笑。– 其实那个人就是卡洛斯。– 谁?– 卡洛斯,我们两个在约会。– 这就是加布丽尔在订婚派对那晚所受的伤。

Jet ski[dʒetskiː]A small machine like a motorcycle that is powered by a jet engine and can travel on the surface of water. (水上摩托艇、喷气式滑艇)


Cholesterol[kə’lestərɒl]:a substance containing a lot of fat that is found in the body tissue and blood of all animals, thought to be part of the cause of heart disease if there is too much of it. (胆固醇、高血脂)

E.G.1:Well, I saw an article about a hundred books you should read before dying, And I thought, you know, with all the high cholesterol in my family, I better get cracking.  (DH S06E14)


E.G.2:I just bought a new jet ski. My cholesterol is down. But none of it’s any fun without her. (DH S01E21)

参考翻译:我刚买了部水上摩托艇,胆固醇也降下来了。可没有她 一切都失去了意义。

Liquid couragethe confidence some people get from drinking alcohol before they do something that needs courage. (液体勇气、酒胆)

E.G.1:Your doctor told you not to drink. Morty: Well, there are times when you need uh… when you need liquid courage. (DH S01E21)


E.G.2:We thought you ditched us. Where were you? — Needed a little liquid courage. Come on, boys. Let’s do it. (DH S05E08)

参考翻译:还以为你把我们丢下了,你去哪儿了?– 得喝点酒壮壮胆。来吧伙计们,上台吧。



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