看美剧学高频短语:Dignify sth with a response

Not…Dignify sth with a response/comment/answer:It’s a way of saying that you are so low, so wrong, or nonsense, while simultaneously cutting off any possibility of having you defend your views. There are times when it is socially appropriate to say this, as for example when someone makes an outrageous, false statement designed to be hurtful. But there are other times when it’s just a manipulative tool.  It communicates by implication that the question is either basically faulty, tremendously insulting or that the answer is so obvious that for the person to “answer” the question is below their standards for communicating. (屑于作答、值得作出回应、给出评论、懒得答理你)

Dignify something with a response

中文释义:“Dignify sth with a response”它的字面意思是:使某件事情显得重要,从而值得认真和郑重地回应。这个短语主要有四种使用场景:





以下片段选自美剧《硅谷》S01E08 07:37

Reporter:So you made some really over-the-top promises about Nucleus. 你为’纽核力’夸下了不少海口

——>> Can you deliver? – 你真的能做到吗?

Gavin:Absolutely. For me, Kara, goodness, greatness,  当然,对我来说 卡拉 优秀 伟大

——>> these are not simply catch phrases,  这些不只是说说而已

——>> but, in fact, really the intention of Hooli from the beginning. 这些从一开始就是’互利’的宗旨

Erlich:Gavin, you do not need to dignify any of this with a response! 嘉文 你不需要借着回答卖瓜

——>> I can speak for myself. 我能为自己代言

——>> Erlich Bachman, Pied Piper.  ‘魔笛手’的埃利希·巴赫曼

以下片段选自美剧《生活大爆炸》S05E20 07:58

Spock:Dr.  Cooper? 库珀博士

Sheldon:Is someone there? 谁在说话

Spock:Down here.  On your desk. 在这里  你桌子上

Sheldon:Spock? 史波克

Spock:I need to speak with you. 我需要跟你谈谈

Sheldon:Fascinating. 太奇妙了

——>> The only logical explanation is that this is a dream. 唯一合乎逻辑的解释就是  这是梦

Spock:It is not the only logical explanation. 做梦也不是唯一合乎逻辑的解释

——>>For example,  you could be hallucinating比如  你之所以产生幻觉

——>>after being hit on the head by, say, 是因为被某物砸到头  比如说

——>>a coconut. 椰子

Spock:Was I hit on the head by a coconut? 我真的被椰子砸到头了?

——>>I am not going to dignify that with a response. 我不想就此做出任何回应

——>>Now to the matter at hand. 先说要紧事

——>>You need to play with the transporter toy. 你要玩这个传送机玩具

Sheldon:But it’s mint-in-box. 可这是全新没开封的

Spock:Yes. And to open it would destroy its value. 没错,而且开封了就毁了它的价值

——>>But remember,  like me, you also have a human half. 但你要记住  你跟我一样也有一半人类血统

Sheldon:Well,  I’m not going to dignify that with a response. 我不想就此做出任何回应

Spock:Consider this. 你想一想

——>>What is the purpose of a toy?  玩具的意义在于什么

Sheldon:To be played with. 给人玩

Spock:Therefore,  to not play with it would be… ? 那么  不给人玩意味着…

Sheldon:Illogical. 不合常理

——>>Damn it,  Spock,  you’re right. 该死  史波克  你说得对

——>>I’ll do it. 我这就开封

Spock:Sheldon,  wait. 谢尔顿  等等

——>>You have to wake up first. 你得先醒来

Sheldon:Oh,  of course. 当然

——>>Set phasers to dumb,  right? 先设好相位仪  对吧

——>>Goodie,  goodie,  goodie! 赶紧  赶快  马上

Sheldon为自己的节目准备的开场白是Set phasers to “fun”,phaser是《星际迷航》中一种类似于激光发射器的武器(在《星际迷航》刚刚开播的时候人类还没有制造出激光发射器),可以调节为击晕( stun)或者杀死(kill)两种模式。Sheldon此处是借用了这句台词来突出本集 Fun with Flags的主题——《星际迷航》。其实这也不是 Sheldon第一次借用这句台词,在SO5E20中,Sheldon在梦中天人交战,在他和Mr. Spock的对话中就说过“Set thephasers to dumb(将激光发射器调节为静音模式).”


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