Follow-up: 1. The act or an instance of following up, as to further an end or review new developments; 2. One that follows so as to further an end or increase effectiveness; 3. An article or a report giving further information on a previously reported item of news。(后续行动;后续事物)

中文释义:Follow-up主要用来表达为了完成或继续一个过程(或一笔交易),在已经做的事情之外再做某事。例句:Can we ask you a few follow-up questions about the fire?(我们能问你一些关于火灾的后续问题吗?)。学习Follow-up这个短语的同时,不得不提到动词短语follow up,它多次出现在外企办公室的墙上,表达“跟进”的意思。比如follow up this order,意思是“跟进这个订单”。作为外企工作人员,要随时跟进自己负责的订单,那是工作,也是责任。如果你没有follow up 的精神和态度,你肯定在外企呆不久,没有哪个外企招聘懒散,没有责任心的人。
