看绝望的主妇学英语习语:Get sth straight
Get sth straight: to have a clear understanding of something; to make sure that you or someone else understand the situation; to understand correctly, as in Now let’s get it straight-you’ll take over at four, or Do I get it straight about when you’re leaving? This expression uses straight in the sense of “in proper order” or “not confused.”

中文释义:Straight: 直的, get sth straight: 把东西弄直,引申为“直截了当地把某事情弄清楚弄明白,让双方明确、确认某事实;开门见山,直奔主题”等意思。这个短语在口语中比较常用,并且主要用在未能理解对方的意思想要重新确认一下或事先声明的情形中。例句: Let me get this straight. Are you asking us to put in extra hours ?(让我把事情弄清楚,你是要我们加班吗?)
