看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Have the guts (to do sth)
Have the guts (to do sth):To have enough courage, conviction, or resolve (to do something). Possess the courage, as in Does he have the guts to dive off the high board? This expression replaces the earlier and now obsolete sense of stomach as “courage,” a usage from the early 1500s. [Slang; late 1800s]

中文释义: “gut”的原意是“内脏;肠子”,它的复数形式“guts”则可表示“勇气;胆量;决心”。have the guts to do sth(= have the courage to do sth)敢于做某事;有勇气做某事,属于中性短语,语气取决于语境。例句:What if I had the guts to quit my job.(如果我有勇气辞职呢?)。意思相近的还有get the nerve to do,但通常语气不太好。
