看绝望的主妇学英语高频短语:Hold a grudge

Hold a grudge:To hold a grudge is to have and maintain a feeling of anger, bitterness, or resentment toward someone for something they did, especially a wrong that you think they committed against you. (对某人怀恨在心,尤指当遭受到其伤害、欺骗或不公平对待时的怨恨和气恼。这个短语另有一些变体搭配如:Harbor a grudge, nurse a grudge, bear a grudge…)

看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Hold a grudge

以下是美剧《绝望的主妇》高频短语“Hold a grudge”情景例句:


AndrewYou’re selfish. 你真自私

——>>You know, I am so looking forward to我真期待

——>>the day that I get to put you in a nursing home. 把你丢进养老院的那一天

BreeI’m sorry to disappoint you, Andew 很遗憾让你失望了 安德鲁

——>>but my plan is to have an embolism and to die young. 我打算得脑血栓 早早地死掉

AndrewYeah, we’re all rooting for you, but you might not be so lucky. 我们大家都祝愿你心愿得偿,可没准你没那么幸运

BreeAndrew… 安德鲁

AndrewYou wanna say how long I can hold a grudge? 想知道我能恨你多久吗

——>>Go ahead and abandon my father, 你就这样抛弃爸爸吧

——>>because I promise you, you’ll be sorry. 我保证 你会后悔的


Susan:She spent all senior year in love with mark malone, 她整个高三都热恋Mark Malone

——>>and they went on,like,one date,and mark noticed me and dumped moose to ask me out. 他们只约会过一次 Mark就看上了我 甩了麋鹿跟我好了

Mike:So the guy came after you. 那是他追你的

——>>Wasn’t your fault. 不是你的错

Susan:Clearly you were never a high school girl. 你明显没做过高中女生

——>>Moose was convinced that I stole mark from her, 麋鹿坚信我抢了Mark

——>>just like katherine is convinced that I–oh,my god! 就像Katherine坚信我… 天啊

——>>I sent her over there. 我把她送过了

——>>It’s like a meeting of the “I hate susan” club! 就像”我恨Susan”俱乐部的聚会一样

——>>What am I gonna do? 我该怎么办?

Mike:This was a long time ago. 已经是陈年旧事了

——>>Nobody holds a grudge that long. 没人会这么记仇的

Susan:Hey,maybe you’re right. 或许你说得对

——>>Look at this. 瞧瞧

——>>I think she might be arresting katherine right now. 她貌似在逮捕Katherine

——>>that is a perp walk. 她在押送犯人

——>>She is taking katherine on a perp walk. 她在押送Katherine

Mike:Looks more like a perp hug. 貌似是热情拥抱

Susan:What is going on? 怎么回事?

——>>What– what is she doing? 她在干嘛?

Mike:I think she’s showing us how long someone can hold a grudge. 我想 她在提醒我们她有多么记仇


Paul:My wife is not a suspect in this investigation. 我妻子在这次调查中不是嫌疑犯

——>>She is the one person in that whole corrupt, 在这条处处暗箭伤人的街上

——>>back-stabbing street that I can trust. 她是我唯一能够相信的人

Detective:Okay. Uh…好的

——>>Is there anyone else who might harbor a grudge against you 是否还有其他人对你怀恨在心

——>>or wish you harm in any way? 企图伤害你的

Paul:Not that I can think of. 我现在想不起来了


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