看绝望的主妇学高频短语:I figured
I figured: The phrase “I figured ” can mean “I thought”. “Figure” is a more casual word than “think”, so it’s mostly used in spoken English, rarely in writing. This phrase is especially useful when you’re telling people about something that you did, and want to give a little explanation of why you did it. As in I figured he wasn’t going to show up, so I went ahead and left early.
中文释义:I figure…(经过考虑后)认为,以为(口语化的非正式表达),估计,推测。相比I thought语气不那么绝对,表示不强加自己的意见给别人,特别是在你也不确定事实的时候。例句:He and Eric both waited for me at the door as usual, so I figured I wasn’t totally unforgiven. (他和埃里克都像以往一样在门外等着我,所以我估计自己还不致于罪无可恕。)另外当你告诉别人你做过的事情,并想对你做这件事的原因给出一点解释时,也可用这个短语来表达。
